sounds with cannons, maybe a interesting idea

can i change the sounds of the fw190 cannons and change it with a song. instead of hearing bambambambambambambambambam i want to hear a song Big Grin

Next you will be wanting 'paint rounds' Oddball..

Ooh, paint mode sounds cool, shoots paint balls and adjust the damage to show paint sploches instead of holes in AC. Put the whole thing on a switcher Smile.

BTW, I'm just kidding, mostly.....

Just swap the sounds for some breakbeats and we'll have a drum'n'bass mod :wink:

that'd be cool but weird lol just replace the files in the sound folder with the file u want but make sure it has the same name

You are all a bunch of lunatics.. it's more like 'Kelly's Heroes' Confusedhock:

Trooper117 Wrote:You are all a bunch of lunatics.. it's more like 'Kelly's Heroes' Confusedhock:

I love that tune.

Trooper117 Wrote:You are all a bunch of lunatics..

of course we are - arent you?

You would have a LOT of loops so if you put it in with Jingle Bells it would be like


GentleKiller Wrote:can i change the sounds of the fw190 cannons and change it with a song. instead of hearing bambambambambambambambambam i want to hear a song Big Grin

More like this I'd guess :wink:

Listen.. When I shoot the hell out of something or somebody, I want maximum destruction and noise.. Not paint and soft music!!! Confusedhock:
As for killing things gently.. you are having a laugh. When something gets dead, it's never 'gently'.. Take my word for it!

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