aircraft spawn hangers etc.

If you have the map making tools.... you can place the 'Ground' symbol from the 'Runaway' section (the long red arrow which curves up)...anywhere..... and pointing in any direction... 8)

but the plane doesn't spawn where the icon is placed..... but one kilometre behind

[Image: MAPS00.jpg]

the pink cross is where the plane will spawn...facing east

[Image: MAPS01.jpg]

and again...the cross in the hanger....

of course...only of use to human pilots who know how to AI will just take-off and still need proper landing points to come down on the strip...but useful in single missions/campaigns....or co-ops...

in co-ops you can stop the AI from moving by starting with no they will bail...but human pilots will be told to fuel up in the briefing

yeah, but be carefull, in some cases, like the one on the pearl harbour map in your case, if the start point are close to each other, it can change the landing or the start point for the ia's.
Test you mission with starting and landing planes, on the "hangars" starting point put 4 planes,fuel on Zero% and let it happend, i mean let the ia planes do their job (speed8 is your friend) to see if everything goes as it should. After having build 3full bases with the ia taxi-ways ,mutliple start-landing points, in 2 cases the ia wanted to land on one of the hangar start-points... :wink:

yes...when setting out the waypoints I am careful to put the first and last close to the icon...then change them to landing or takeoff and watch them 'snap' to the correct icon..

of course it is only human pilots who want to start at the hangers and will land correctly...the AI are happy to just use the normal strip...and if they get confused and land wrong....their fault and their death

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