Falklands/Malvinas WIP

Thank's Neil! Will try it this noon!!
What do you think guys about the Beagle channel. I'm thinking in cover all the south area with snow. Will be extremely fast to do, and pretty realistic. Then I will finish the islands and start to work on the continent cities and harbours.
Baco thank's a lot for the help, really useful, you should take a look here today and also in notre you deserve a gift!!

I don't think it would be right to make it all snow, unless your map is to represent winter.
Also varying textures are visually more interesting to fly over.

Look at Google images of Beagle Channel. Snow line is about half way up mountains with the coastal strip clear of snow.

Use map_h to select high areas, apply snow texture and paste into map_T, as described previously.

Thank's Ashes will try this method. I'm having some problems with the airfield. I copied one of the Burmese muddy airfields to Port Stanley. rotated, edited the taxiways and created a mission with a take off, and my plane is sikining in the water!! Any idea of why?? The other airfields can be like the original ones but I need to edit the taxiways on this one and rotate it to make it useful on the narrow area of Port Stanley.
Now some pics, I started the creation of cities and roads of the islands, will need to erase some roads mishaps but this is not a problem. What do you think of my job??

Port Stanley views. Included the warfs, the Anglican and catholic churches, a graveyard...

[Image: Imagen6.jpg]

[Image: Imagen7.jpg]

[Image: Imagen8.jpg]

Now Goose Green with Darwin a bit far away

[Image: Imagen9.jpg]

And for last San Carlos and San Carlos harbour

[Image: ImagenA.jpg]

If I can solve the airfield problem tonight and the road alignement I will start my work on the continental part.


If you need me to find another Airfield that fits the narow space of Stanley let me know I

Its looking good. Smile

Good choice of buildings.

I am not sure I understand your airfield problem correctly.

You have copied an airfield from the Burma map.

Did you copy the take off and landing arrows at the ends of the runway.
They are the big red arrows in FMB Map Editor.

When you rotated the airfield did you also rotate the take off and landing arrows correctly?

Can you show a screenshot of the problem?

Thank's Ashes problem solved! Here the pics of the airfields. The islands are done, now I only need to create the cities, airfields and harbours of continental Argentina.

Peeble Island

[Image: Aerodromos1.jpg]

Goose Green

[Image: Aerodromos2.jpg]

And Port Stanley!

[Image: Aerodromos3.jpg]

What do you think?

Lookin' great RD Big Grin

Now you're on your way :lol: :lol:

Keep up the good work Smile

Cheers, Neil Smile

The pics of the continent cities and airbases. First of all Rio Gallegos

[Image: Gallegos1.jpg]

[Image: Gallegos2.jpg]

[Image: Gallegos3.jpg]

[Image: Gallegos4.jpg]

One from Puerto Coig

[Image: Coig.jpg]

And the last one from Santa Cruz and his airfield!

[Image: SantaCruz.jpg]

The flight time from the airfields to the islands is 30 min!! You will experience the fatigue of the pilots flying from the continent!

No stopping you now. Its looking good.

asheshouse Wrote:No stopping you now. Its looking good.

Si llega a parar el trabajo no lo saludo mas jajaaj

Muy buenas Darko

This is in response to your question on harbour building.

There is no "trick". It is just a question of searching through the Objects menu in FMB Map Editor and using the objects available.

In more detail though:

Harbour areas often require more detail in your map_c.
Find a good large scale plan of the harbour and trace the image, black for water, white for land.
I also pick out the line of breakwater and moles in black and white to aid the next part of the process.
Reduce this image so that it matches your map_c, 50m per pixel.

Open map_c and paste in your harbour detail, rotate and fit to the correct location.

disect map_c and save into the map folder.

Open the map in FMB Map editor

Select one of each of these to place on the map as a "palette" of objects

Objects/Houses of Norway/Hellisoy_lighths
Objects/Houses of Norway/Slotteroy_lighths
Objects/Pacific Houses/LargeCrane1

This is my choice but what you use is up to you.
With your palette you can click on any object then move the cursor and press Insert and you will create a new one to use.

Breakwaters and jetties are made from two Sea/Floor placed back to back.
Docksides and hard areas are made from ConcretePlate/Runway -- using fabianfred's texture mod.
You can use them without the mod and apply the mod later.

Use the landstrips created on map_c to position the breakwaters accurately.
Once you are happy with their appearance go back into map_c and delete the land.
I leave the water shallow in these areas so you get "muddy water" around the breakwaters. This also helps to get a visual fix on them before the breakwater objects pop into view. I got Dunkirk about right. Dover I made the water too deep and will probably correct it when I get a chance.

Thats it really. Then it just takes a bit of practice and patience.
This is very fiddly work. You need to ensure that you Save every time you complete a section.
It is not possible to Undo mistakes except to Exit and load your Saved copy.

This is just my method. I expect others will have different ways to do things.
Of course this just gives a very basic layout of the harbour.
To really bring it to life you will need to add many more object types.

Thank's Ashes! That's what I need!!
Now about the Falklands map.
Is almost finished, beta will start tonight, but I need to work somethings before the final version, for example, wich is the map the user will see in the FMB and during flight?
How can I edit it so it looks nice? Currently have white land and black sea nothing more. Can I add text like location names??

To see the map yoou must revert your FMB to the games one, not the Map making tool.

names are related to a file name text.txt in the map folder.
Now I would guess that you give the apropiate route in the .ini file.

Now, I am speculating by the looks of Maratz folder system, and soem work I have doen in re-naming Manchurias text.txt, but I really don


The map you see in flight and in the FMB are based on ed_m01.tga, ed_m02.tga, ed_m03.tga.

ed_m02.tga = map_h in size.
ed_m01.tga is x2 in size (more detail as you zoom in)
ed_m03.tga is 0.5 the size, less detail.

You could use real maps, or coloured maps based on yours. These are saved as either colour indexed or colour RGB files. How much detail you want in these is entirely up to you.


Thx! Not much detail needed will be simple.

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