Suggest Smoke, Fire Explosion MOD

Is it possible to have smokes and explosions going off at specific time.

Would like to have explosions, fires and smoke going off in some missions.

They would be on a timed start and stop, or something along those lines.

Think about it reminds me of something like a smoke, fire or explosions vehicle that goes off periodically during it's travel along waypoints.

The effects would have to be big enough to be seen in the air.

Currently, I do this with a workaround. I set artillery to start shooting targets at certain time.

When the targets are destroyed the artillery quits.

The difficulty with doing it this way... It takes time to align and set up artilllery and targets, get them facing the right way in direct line of site with target,etc. Very time consuming.

Then the effect goes away instantly as well.

Explosions might be set to go off periodically through the travel through waypoints.

The Smoke and fire might remain pretty stable, but would probably have short distance between waypoints.

Hi nearmiss,

I do something along this line, only I use aircraft set to spawn at certain times. Works best when you have say a specific building, like a warehouse or factory, that you want to blow up in a spectacular fashion. I place the aircraft inside the building I want blown up, set the fuel to 0 (or as low as the engine will allow it to go), maybe add a big loadout of bombs (though I am not sure that this makes for a bigger explosion, try with the 5000kg bomb available on the big Russian bomber - DB3? - to see), set two waypoints for the aircraft, one takeoff and one landing, and make sure both waypoints are placed within the confines of the target building. Set the takeoff time on the first waypoint to the time in-game that you want the building to go up, save the mission and presto - one terrific explosion, one blownup building and all with the added bonus of having billowing smoke afterward. I suppose one could place multipule aircraft in the same building set to go off at the same time for even more smoke at the end, or stager the spawning of the aircraft to simulate secondary explosions.


March_Hare009 Wrote:Hi nearmiss,

I do something along this line, only I use aircraft set to spawn at certain times. Works best when you have say a specific building, like a warehouse or factory, that you want to blow up in a spectacular fashion. I place the aircraft inside the building I want blown up, set the fuel to 0 (or as low as the engine will allow it to go), maybe add a big loadout of bombs (though I am not sure that this makes for a bigger explosion, try with the 5000kg bomb available on the big Russian bomber - DB3? - to see), set two waypoints for the aircraft, one takeoff and one landing, and make sure both waypoints are placed within the confines of the target building. Set the takeoff time on the first waypoint to the time in-game that you want the building to go up, save the mission and presto - one terrific explosion, one blownup building and all with the added bonus of having billowing smoke afterward. I suppose one could place multipule aircraft in the same building set to go off at the same time for even more smoke at the end, or stager the spawning of the aircraft to simulate secondary explosions.



I tried doing the multiple aircraft in the building bit and they just blew each other up. Using a big bomb those three stack buildings really make a wazooo. I try to blow up buildings like that when my player is very close to get the full effect. Often, I create some kind of attraction for the player to be there at the time they aircraft run into each other.

I have done a similar thing many times, because the aircraft have a high long smoke trail. Also, the smoke burns for a very long time. I just place two aircraft across from each other and have two short waypoints for each that align with each other. The time to start is identical. They run into each other at the precise time, blow up buildings etc. I have also just placed the aircraft out in a town across from each other. Then I have player arrive just after they've run into each other. The player never sees anything but high smoke trails into the sky.

This isn't a bad way to do it. I haven't tried it where the planes sit inside a large fire object facing each other, but I don't think the fire would affect them. If it did, you could just place the aircraft further apart and let them travel a longer distance before they ran into each other.

As I recall you have to set zero altitude. I don't recall if I set takeoff and landing. I think I just set takeoff and one waypoint as zero altitude.


I use the large caliber flak guns 88 and 85 MM and set them about 1 km apart facing each other. I set them to start firing alittle before my player gets to the action location. Those stupid guns shoot high into the air and the shells drop making a nice explosion. It's kinda dippy looking when you look at the mission maps, but it is sure works. The problem is setting up the guns facing each other, and not too close or too far apart. Then all the times to start have to be set at same time or one gun may blow up the other before your player gets to the action.

You have to have line of site on these guns as well. In other words it won't work if one gun is not in line of site with opposing gun. Over a hill or behind something. YOu need clear field of vision, but I don't recall if you actually have to see the opposing gun.

The guns have to be set for enemy against friendly of course. Also, if you fly through them... remember they are shooting flak and an aircraft is a premium target.

You can create some very war like conditions if you put about 20+ enemy and 20+ friendly firing at each other.


It is pretty tedious doing these workarounds, because your timing has to be just right. Setting up the flak guns is time consuming and tedious. I understand there is now some type of object placement type tool that allows you to pre-build your setups and then rotate them. It is important to set them up in a proper rotated position so everything looks right.


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