Reading the 1C forum I saw this question and answer from oleg:
[quote]4. is there going to be invisibale trees that you can only see at altiude in SoW?
[i]I don
Yeah, this would be a huge boon to the PTO where huge coconut plantations were common. We have something that looks from high-alt like a ground texture, but from below ~2000m it disapears.
I might use some of the "kronstadt" ground tiles for this. I can place one or two on the map, then put single palms on top and take a screenshot with, and without the tile. I then use the "without" as a texture with the "with plate" as a layer to line it up. I can save the exact grove shape in an otherwise empty actors.static as a template. Copy and paste them to align the plates.
I have bee trying to improve the Tarawa map. But the poblem is that adding forest makes it ugly from close ranges, and adding individual palm trees impacts the performance too much + make the map look ugly (like a sand plate) from further distances. This mod would be the perfect solution!
The limited time I have available is currently occupied with the Slot, but I will try and move this forward a little. I need to pick a kronstadt "plate" and get the tga for it.
Experiments using the tree mod that adds Broad2 and Line_1 (darker row of 4 trees) by fabianfred.
The mat files are the same, but the tgas differe, and the LODs change differently. I made the broad2 have:
VisibleDistanceNear 2000.0
VisibleDistanceFar 1000.0
and it was not visible at all.
WOOT! Tried:
VisibleDistanceNear 2000.0
VisibleDistanceFar 10000.0
and the tree is invisible to 2000m, then appears!
This WILL work!
I need the kronstadt7 plate now.
You'll note in the 9000m shot that the coconut grove plate overlaps the taxiways. I didn't bother to align them. Luckily at low alt, the way the transition works the foreground trees block the ground behind. It really works nicely.
I need to try the krondstat objects because I would prefer to have many fewer plates.
Has anyone extracted the kronstadt ground plates? (4.09 objects)