no offense to FC or other people who showcase their mods, but can anyone with a high end graphics performance rig display some screens of these well thought-out awesome ships these creators have done?? Someone with the AA AF to the max and so forth... water 3 etc...
Is this so much to ask???
It might be a good idea to up the speed of some new merchants so they can be used as faster transports. The large tanker sould be considerably faster, as well. 19-20 knots.
Awesome mod
nearmiss, you got me wrong... I am requesting someone post screens of these ships on a better rig. Those first screens, that you suggested, are STILL water 1, there are no high end shaders, and AA and AF are nill.. so in turn, I just want to see a better representation of those ships... no jagged edges, etc... chill out, I am not disrespecting the author or anyone.
Excuse me but where do I find "ships.ini."?
Thats what I am talking about!!!
Thank you!