
I tried putting a rail way on my map today...using Clockwatchers instructions in his excellent Microdem tutorial

the diagonals have all these funny bits.....

[Image: 0804200817-57-40.jpg]

How do I get rid of them..??

and the texture it lays down isn't under the track either..??

[Image: 0804200818-04-36.jpg]

How can we edit the rail line in detail in the tools FMB.? can we delete and add rail there?

I've never used Clockwatchers method so cant comment on that.

--but what you have got is too many pixels marked to show rail.

The centre of each 200x200m pixel on map_T is a rail node.
Any nodes on adjacent pixels are joined up with a track.

You need to delete nodes which are not on your red line.
Easiest way would be using FMB in Map Editor Mode, or you can do it by editing map_T but this is more difficult because of the underlying textures having to be taken into account.

IN FMB Map Editor you use Objects/roads/rail insert or delete

The in-game appearance of the railway may be improved if you try to avoid too many short legs.

Is it possible to delete individual segments of incorrect road in FMB? I only thought you could delete the entire road/network.

... i'm using masochistic manual method .... map_t.tga ....Photoshop .... pencil tool 1pix ( different shades for different background/bridge/crossings ) . For placing rail objects .... unlockFMB

it's slow and frustrating but it's only way i found for having max control over it ....


canonuk Wrote:Is it possible to delete individual segments of incorrect road in FMB? I only thought you could delete the entire road/network.

No. You can delete 200m segments in FMB Map Editor.

I created my initial road/rail network in Photoshop Elements including adjustments to get best fit of the network within IL-2 constraints, but subsequent adjustment is being done in FMB Map Editor.

How d you select which 200m to delete? I've never found that function...

You don't select it.

In FMB Map Editor choose -- View /Objects /Road / Rail

Click on the map and roam the cursor around.

Press Insert to place a 200m segment.
Press Delete to remove a 200m segment -- if there is one under the cursor.

Change to View/Objects/Road/highway
or View/Object/Road/country

to work on road objects.

Unlike buildings you can't select by clicking on an existing rail. You have to select the rail sub-menu from the menu bar.

You have no ideas how many hours I wasted on my BoB online map fixing roads and rails on map_t!

This will be so useful with my current project Smile


Thanks for your info guys...

i think my problem was in having the pixels adjoining with their flat sides touching....whereas they should only touch at the corners

canonuk Wrote:You have no ideas how many hours I wasted on my BoB online map fixing roads and rails on map_t!

Me too.... :oops:

Good to know at last! Big Grin

[Image: 0904200812-29-29.jpg]

This horrible object appeared at every break in the rail....done in map_T...but i cannot delete it

I can change it to a piece of country road...but not delete it....the darker rail coloured one can be deleted OK whilst placing new rail to fill the gaps..

I also have a big problem with water on my map ....is it usual for rail/road to cross a river without needing a bridge there?

I had that problem. It happens when the RGB value you used in map_t isn't quite right, and the map puts an unconnected piece of road in. When ai road piece is unconnected that's how it looks.

I haven't tried deleting those in FMB yet since I only heard about asheshouse's technique the other day, but I had to go into Photoshop/gimp and manually change the RGB value of the affected pixel. You can spot them because they're much brighter than the surrounding road/rail pixels.

Also, I've found that road and rail is able to be laid over water, but vehicles don't use them.

canonuk Wrote:Also, I've found that road and rail is able to be laid over water, but vehicles don't use them.

mine do...... Cry

I have a HUGE problem with water on my map........vehicles can start in the sea, run across rivers, but they shy away from mountains.....

ships cannot be placed anywhere upon my map.......not moving ones anyway.......really stumped on this one :oops:

Fabianfred -- It is an unconnected section of country road which appears in your image. In FMB Map Editor go to objects road country. Move the cursor over the node point on the map, click on the map to activate the map window, press delete, then it should be gone.

If ships cannot move on water it is probably because it is too shallow. Change to RGB 0,0,0 on map_T

It may be also that the coastline on map_c does not line up correctly with map_T. I dont think map_h makes much difference except to create visible surface bubbles. Any ships will move through these bubbles.

Paint roads pp. in map_t with that "paint a straight line-thing" (shift/left mouse in gimp). Its much better.

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