Battle of France Map - Part 2 - WIP

Template for sk_country_mount.tga completed.
This is for country villages or edges of towns.
This covers a 1600x1600m area.

I think I will do one more template for factory areas.
That will give me four templates to mix and match for the first run with AutoPop to populate the full map. A successful run with AutoPop will be a major milestone.

I probably should have prepared these templates first. I think I will need to do some more work on map_T before running AutoPop, but that shouldn't take too long.

[Image: Untitled-12.jpg]

looks awesome

You've done an excellent job with those Smile

I can't take all the credit. The templates are based on a lot of scenery blocks cut and pasted from the Slovakia map. The Slovakia map makers did a superb job, both with creating the individual building models and in the imaginative way in which they have been put together to create the villages and towns. My meagre efforts are riding on the back of theirs. The real test comes when I run them through AutoPop and see the results.

Thanks for your acknowledgment asheshouse. I really appreciate it. Yes, those houses took me a lot of time to model and many additional hours for my friend to build the patterns with them. I am glad that you enjoy it. Good luck with your project.

You did a great job with them, mkubani Smile All the houses I'm using in my English Channel map are Slovakia houses - they're such an impreovement over the other buildings available.

Thanks. Enjoy. Wink

Template for sk_Factory.tga -- For industrial areas.
Not sure that this will work as well as the other templates because the factory areas being bigger blocks are likely to be split up when installed using AutoPop, but either way it should provide a reasonable first draft model, which can be adjusted later.

Next task is to go back over map_T and get all my village/town/city/factory textures in the right place. Hope that wont take too long.

[Image: Untitled-13.jpg]

[Image: Untitled-14.jpg]

Damn cool Ashes. I'd been wondering how this was coming along. keep it up man, you're one of the guys who pioneered all the cool innovations in map-making technology.

No mate. Most of what I'm doing I learnt off others --- and I guess most would say the same. What's powerful here is that there are a lot of people all innovating a little bit, and then sharing what they learn.

yup, it all started with great mr Lowfighter and his brilliant discoveries ... afterwards its pure brainstorming , but Ash did took all this to another level ( along with CW, Skunkmeister, Maraz , Redfox ..... )

Map modding tools creators belong to "God" category here ... without them we would still swap textures on default maps and call that modding .

map modding history :


p.s. i know veterans know all that, but now we have 8000 + members so ....

Fantastic work, ashes Smile

Are you going to be making these autopop templates available?

Nice work!!!!!!!!!!

The thing that really hits me is that that factory complex REALLY looks like a factory complex. Great work indeed!

canonuk Wrote:Fantastic work, ashes Smile

Are you going to be making these autopop templates available?

That's probably a good idea.
Maybe we should establish a template library.
Each template relates to a specific ground texture.
The four templates I've now put together need a bit of final polishing before use.
--- and I'd rather like to see how they look, and affect performance, in the Northeast France map before releasing them to a library. It may be necessary to thin them out a bit. Don't know until I've trialled it properly.

Once again I am relying very much on extracting scenery blocks out of the Slovakia map and reassembling them in different arrangements.
This map is a tremendous resource for scenery. I keep finding things I didn't know were there.

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