Who's going to fix our formations?

We have a problem now, and we've had it since Il-2's release.

We have one basic formation for all types of aircraft.

The first thing you should know is that formations are tactical, and there are different formations for different situations.

For protection to the front, but little from the sides or rear, there's the line abreast.
For limited protection to the sides, there's the "Vee".
For mutual protectoin and team work, there is the "Schwarm", aka "Finger Four."

My point is that there lacks a way in the FMB to assign the best, and most realistic, formation for AI aircraft for a type of mission. We need that option installed, or "unlocked," so we can give bombers a box, and give fighters something that gives them more of a chance. Also, we should be able to assign a different formation at each waypoint if needed.

It should look like this in the FMB

Waypoint 1

Alt 3000
Sp 350
Action Follow Waypoint
Formation Box
Target None

To back up my point, the AI bombers automatically switch formation from "echelon right" to "finger four" at their IP. It would be nice to have them in a Vee or even a box for the whole flight! That would be more realistic for US and British bombers. I know you can command your flight to change formation but this doesn't do anything for AI formations and you flight won't listen anyways.

Two last things before I quit:
1. We also need a way to raise the number of aircraft per section/flight to 6 so that US bombers can complete their boxes.

2. A command to tell your flight your dropping your bombs so they can also drop as a formation. That way you can finally lead correct level bomb runs. The command should be "squadron>attack ground targets>bombs away!" The corresponding voice command should be taken from the AI bucket, "We're starting our attack run. Bombs away!"

Thanks gentlemen.

fvk Wrote:It would be nice to have them in a Vee or even a box for the whole flight! That would be more realistic for US and British bombers.
The problem is that the game was not designed to handle strategic operations very well, but rather for tactical bombing missions at lower altitudes. And the US and UK heavies flew mostly high altitude strategic missions of course, and were added to the game more like an afterthought.

Don't get me wrong, it would be great if this could be fixed - i just don't have high hopes for it.

But then again, we've seen plenty of "impossible" things implemented recently...

fvk Wrote:Two last things before I quit:
1. We also need a way to raise the number of aircraft per section/flight to 6 so that US bombers can complete their boxes.
Maybe even more - weren't German Stukas flying in formations of 7 planes early in the war?

Radoye Wrote:
fvk Wrote:It would be nice to have them in a Vee or even a box for the whole flight! That would be more realistic for US and British bombers.
The problem is that the game was not designed to handle strategic operations very well, but rather for tactical bombing missions at lower altitudes. And the US and UK heavies flew mostly high altitude strategic missions of course, and were added to the game more like an afterthought.

Well, then let's just try to fix the formations for "low level" missions and then see if they still work up high! Smile

Radoye Wrote:
fvk Wrote:Two last things before I quit:
1. We also need a way to raise the number of aircraft per section/flight to 6 so that US bombers can complete their boxes.
Maybe even more - weren't German Stukas flying in formations of 7 planes early in the war?

Sure, the more the merrier!

I'd be happy to just alter the 2 types of formation control we know exist. Normalfly waypoints, then approaching a gattack.

Normal for most is a finger 4, and gattack for some idiotic reason is LINE ASTERN.

For many planes, the gattack needs to change to LINE ABREAST.

All the US tactical bombers like A-20/B-25 need line abreast. As do all the VTs.

The large, level bombers can stay in their regular formation.

All the japanese planes need to default to a VIC.

id be happy if the AI could be set to fly straight and level and drop bombs without regard their height.
parafrags arent worth a damn right now

i dont think the formations really matter at this point of the game, I mean you can tell your AI to form into finger 4. But as soon as enemy aircraft are within that 5km radius they break without you telling them to do so, I would actually like that to be fixed before creating new formations. However like the posts before regarding the Heavy formations I would like to see an improvement.

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