WIP:Bf109 G-12

Damn right Andy.
But i met those problems in IL-2 too,with the new guys... :lol:

I'm going to be one of those new guys...when I get a faster net connection. I'm hopeless, I panic and freak out, stalling the plane every time someone shoots at me. Man, flying the real thing was easier Big Grin

Dual controls is a fantastic idea, both asthetically and as a helpful tool. At first you kind of rely on an instructor and the quickest way to pick up a thousand little things is him sitting there, with you watching and taking over control.

Would it be possible to have a switching joystick input? Bind a key to switch between control input for the flyable, then just model the plane which has dual controls or assign one. Instead of treating like one input switching between crews. The only difficult part is how to get two separate computers selecting the one individual aircraft.

I'm also curious if weapons option mods can be added to existing aircraft? Deleting the axial cannon on the G-14 for example makes a G-8 tactical reconnaissance, not so much as a flyable but as some battlefield population for mission building. They were available alongside the G-6/AS AFAIK, coming into 1944 and widely used (pretty quick at low altitude, great acceleration and climb rate).
The BF-109H would also be interesting, essentially a long wingspan G-6/AS that was passed over in favour of the Focke Wulf Ta-152/153 project. Admitedly it was totally outclassed by the Ta-152 which is probably the definitive piston fighter for Germany. Interesting thing there too. An option of switching the Mark 108 cannon with a Mark 103 high velocity type, with 80 rds of ammunition defines the C-3 ground attack subtype. Another option should include the Mark 103 and bombs or bombs/droptank(s), and droptanks. The C-2 was a zerst

At this stage,we don't have the 3D Convertor for IL-2,so we're not able to make a brand new 309,cos we're not able to make a Franken plane too.No other ingame planes have this airframes of the 309...
And for the G-8,i dunno,if someone is going to make it,it need to be in new A/C slot with only 1x20/30 mm cannon,no MG's.And of course it needs to be much faster cos of the lighter weight.
But i can't see the future of G-8 in this sim...The recon missions can be done only in online wars,which are currently not accepting the modded IL-2... Sad

The G-12 is the 109,that we must have at the moment... Smile

"Humpty Bumpty" Smile .
Anyone gonna try this one sometime?

Hey Gringo is it posible to make it so 2 ppl use it in let's say coop? i mean the secound one to be as a gunner but only to watch?

Well i figure what you can do like when your online when you press C with another player you switch Position's. you cna probably rewire that and just change control's.

Ill work on it ill have a pic by the end of today

[Image: BF109G-12.jpg]
It has a bigger cockpit! I also took the top of the bf 109 F (With no line runnign thought the middle) and added it to the back cockpit
[Image: BF109G-122.jpg]

How's that?

I am once did skin on Bf-109 G- 12

[Image: 205_g12.jpg]

american - well done with the remodelling, but the rear cockpit is rather too far forward - the novice would be sitting on the instructor's lap... It is nonetheless an excellent proof-of-concept!

Also, an issue for when it (hopefully) comes to finalising a new slot model - the plane requires an external fuel tank: In the G12, the internal tank was entirely deleted and replaced with the instructor cockpit. The tank could not simply be moved further back as it would have upset the aircraft centre of gravity, so an external tank was permanently attached.

EDIT: looking at a few sites there seem to be images of some G12s without the external tank, so maybe some were made with a reduced-size internal tank, and others used an external one?

Well problem well fixed in a way had to reposition the wing's cover some gap's edit some skin's and still currently trying to find the file for the BF109 Drop tank Holder. But here's what i got

[Image: g122.jpg]


[I wasn't impressed by the quality but to make t any better then it is simply click watch in high quality on the bottom]

Cockpit is WIP

Well,someone applied the job a bit too late...

Me,Hawk and Hitman (my X.O.),we're already working on it since some time.

We added second cockpit,and now we're msh hacking it,so to remove unneeded parts of it,and also hacking the msh of the fuselage,so we can make the interior of the 2nd cockpit visible.
Because you must have 2x cockpits,if you want to have 2x cockpits in the a/c.It's just not that easy to make th cockpit longer and to add a something to separate them.Because,when you're watching it in outside view you'll see it ok,but you'll have to go through hell of Java,to make two,separated internal cockpits. Wink
And we have the needed info for new FM/WM of the plane.Believe me,it's not from wiki! Wink
Onyway,more info on our project here.

Awesome one to skin, I look forward to this Smile

This is very very promising, I wonder exactly how this will be as a finished version?

Are you putting the 'back seater' in a realistic looking cockpit? Maybe use the gun sight view switch so that he can go from a normal position to peering forward around one side or the other? Perhaps you could offer two versions, one for realism with a realistic looking second cockpit and another one with both cockpits identical to the front one use as a ride-along trainer?

As for weapons, I know cut down weapons were normal, but I hope you'll offer us the option of having cannon only and/or MG's only (With/without drop tank), as well as a few various full weapons load outs. Perhaps offer separate categories of "G-12" weapons load outs and "G-6" load outs?

Even if we can't make this into a dual control aircraft, this would still be great, for the time being, as a great way to give a new guy a ride along, or just for fun eh?

I'm really looking forward to even a beta release!

I want it.. Smile

got a nightfighter version with radar? :twisted:

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