East Africa Online 1.0 Official release!

MrOblongo Wrote:Can i request MADAGASCAR after this?... there was an invasion of Madagascar in 1941 by the UK against the Vichy France...Martlets involved Tongue. Thats a forgotten battle for sure!.

Great work!
Oleg better hurry with BOB or modders will make it sooner...

--- Japanese navy had a presence, operating submarines based on Madagascar. Not as much scope for air ops as North East Africa though, but still interesting.

Mr. Oblongo, I tryed to do my first map steps with madagascarm but teh whole island is too big.
Lets get in touch, (yoru site or mine, hehehe), and discus ahat part of the island would be best to do, and if you need a part of the african continent or not...

May I made a suggestion?
The British Somaliland invasion is a very limitated campaign for a whole map... You should include in this map a little more from West and South, enough to made a real East African Campaign. It has to remain an online map, so that Eritrea/Ethiopia one seeable on wikipedia page you've written about could be enough. Sure, an almost full Ethiopia map will be really better, but then it will not be an online map anymore...
I know just a few about that 'Forgotten Battle', only the basic facts, but here within Italian community there are people that have a really great knowledge of it, even to write books about it, I'm sure we can find any information you need.

kapteeni Wrote:From Official SAAF history:
"East Africa
Equipped with a few squadrons of Gloster Gladiators, Hawker Hurricanes, Furies, Hartbeest and JU86s, the SAAF took on an Italian air component comprising nearly 300 modern aircraft. By the end of the campaign, the SAAF pilots had destroyed 71 Italian aircraft in the air and many more on the ground. In addition, the had struck at innumerable railways, convoys and supply dumps in interdiction sorties in support of the ground forces. SAAF losses during the East African campaign were 79 pilots and air crew killed and five missing. "
Well, as usual the one who win write history as he like... :?
But I don't want to be polemic, or go OT :wink:

char_aznable Wrote:May I made a suggestion?
The British Somaliland invasion is a very limitated campaign for a whole map... You should include in this map a little more from West and South, enough to made a real East African Campaign. It has to remain an online map, so that Eritrea/Ethiopia one seeable on wikipedia page you've written about could be enough. Sure, an almost full Ethiopia map will be really better, but then it will not be an online map anymore...
I know just a few about that 'Forgotten Battle', only the basic facts, but here within Italian community there are people that have a really great knowledge of it, even to write books about it, I'm sure we can find any information you need.

kapteeni Wrote:From Official SAAF history:
"East Africa
Equipped with a few squadrons of Gloster Gladiators, Hawker Hurricanes, Furies, Hartbeest and JU86s, the SAAF took on an Italian air component comprising nearly 300 modern aircraft. By the end of the campaign, the SAAF pilots had destroyed 71 Italian aircraft in the air and many more on the ground. In addition, the had struck at innumerable railways, convoys and supply dumps in interdiction sorties in support of the ground forces. SAAF losses during the East African campaign were 79 pilots and air crew killed and five missing. "
Well, as usual the one who win write history as he like... :?
But I don't want to be polemic, or go OT :wink:
All possible information is much appretiate and welcome. Italian AF history is bit diifucult for me, because most of oit is written in italian lanquage and me no savvy italian. Cry
This map is based to sandsoftime map ( me too lazy :twisted: ), so i cant make it larger. Perhaps some other will do more bigger and accurate map of this theater of War...

OK! Here is some landscapes. I managed to get East African feeling guite well, dont you think.[img][Image: HC1.jpg][/img]
[img][Image: hc3.jpg][/img]
[img][Image: hc4.jpg][/img]
[img][Image: hc5.jpg][/img]

I forgot to write, that those pics were taken from DCG default africa campaign I just rrenamed my Kt_eastafrika folder to sandsoftime and edited DCG master mission (tobruk 41.mis). I had to remove all the ships because i did add landmasses to map. Beside that, it works ok.

I think your landscapes look excellent. I agree - they really feel East African. Looking forward to flying on this map Smile

Kt_eastafrica Beta 0.9 is ready to download:
http://rapidshare.com/files/110822012/K ... a.zip.html

Manual Installation:
Exctract Kt_eastafrica folder to:\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\Mods\MAPMODS\maps\
Add this line to Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\MODS\MAPMODS\all.ini ( copy/paste):

Kt_eastafrica Kt_eastafrica/load.ini

I provide this map as it is with all its historical/geographical errors.
It is based to default sandsoftime map so it is quite small.
It can be played with IL2 409 modded beta with excellent settings,
but it is ment to work best with perfect graphics settings.
My system is AMD 4000+ (single core) 2 gig RAM Win XP pro with nvidia 8800 GT.
So it can be played with middle range pcConfused.

It is compatible with Uberdemons Mission Generator, Grazy Schmidths Mission Mate,
IL2 Quick mission builder and Lowengrins DCG.
You just need to back up original Sandsoftime map
(rename it to ;sandsoftime) and then rename Kt_eastafrica folder to sandsoftime.

If you use DCG you must edit either tobruk 41.mis or tobruk 43.mis missions.
You find these missions at \dcgen\Masters folder.
Remove all the ships because otherwise you see some strange desertships.

Or you can make new campaign from sctratch. :twisted:

I would like to express my graditude to AAA community members for making this map possible.

And Thank you Oleg Maddox and 1C team for best ever combat sim!

Happy flying!
Ps. T.I.A!

Excellent Work!!! Big Grin

Nice work Kapteeni. I've never been there, but it certainly seems to have an appropriate feel to it.

... well, i'm getting load.ini error

map_T.tga seems to be only 256x256 pix ....


fly_zo Wrote:... well, i'm getting load.ini error

map_T.tga seems to be only 256x256 pix ....

Checking it right away!
Checked it. I think it should be 256x256. It is the same in original sandsoftime too. Working fine here.

kapteeni Wrote:
fly_zo Wrote:... well, i'm getting load.ini error

map_T.tga seems to be only 256x256 pix ....

Checking it right away!
Checked it. I think it should be 256x256. It is the same in original sandsoftime too. Working fine here.
I removed everything and "reinstalled" it. DL:ed from rapidshare, exctracted it. Working fine. Maybe you should DL/unzip it once again. Corrupted file or something. Or dare i write it...check spelling :oops:

Great stuff , thanks.

Just a note here from the read me:-

Quote:Exctract Kt_eastafrica folder to:\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\MODS\MAPMODS.

I had to install to this path for it to work-


Fisneaky Wrote:Great stuff , thanks.

Just a note here from the read me:-

Quote:Exctract Kt_eastafrica folder to:\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\MODS\MAPMODS.

I had to install to this path for it to work-

OOPS I must check my spelling! Sad

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