Data Files Corrupt

Guys I have everything running really good, I have a lot of maps in my game, but I have 5 maps that I added that when I click on the fly button it come up saying "Data File Corrupt"...Now I have added other maps and didn't get this. So I was hoping if I list the maps here that someone could post their file entries so I can compare them to mine...The maps are as follows:


Now I have made basic missions up from the template thread that was posted here in AAA forums, but for the life of me I cant figure it out. I see them fine in the QMB entry list and the missions are in the Quick missions folder....I would be forever grateful to anyone who can help me... Thanks

See if this helps:

Hey Fly Thanks for the post but NO JOY on the maps. I have the names,missions,and files all are matching but still when I go to click on them I still get Data File Corrupt message.....I wish that someone could post what theirs looks like so I can just copy and paste them in my files for them to work...Someone please, I'm begging ya..

I'm a little confused. Do you mean in QMB?

Don't know if this is what you mean, but here are mine:;100...einfo.html

Yes Canonuk is QMB, I have the names of the maps showing up in QMB ok, and I have named the files properly in the fileslist and the conf.ini I was just hoping that someone could post their fileslist and conf.ini files so I could loo at theirs and compare it to mine...Thanks Fly Im going to try them now...

Edit Latewr....Yes That Did the trick Fly. I must have had bad mission files made...I added your and Bamm they worked...Hey any chances I can get Prokhovovka...Thats the only one left I need...Thanks alot fore the help..

sorry, don't have that 1. glad they worked.

I have the same problem with the Norway map try to make the missions save them naming them correctly, but when I try to load them in QMB I get a 'data file corrupt' message.
Is the save mission not working properly, is one of the Mods causing this?

Please help, thanks

I am/was having the Data File error.
Today I loaded the 'test' file into FMB, renamed it NorwayBlueAirbase00 and saved it and it worked!
Then I reloaded it into FMB and moved the flights closer to Banff airbase and saved it.
Went to QMB chose target 'Airbase' and it worked!!

Hope it helps

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