Countdown to Olympic

Anyone here remember "Aces of the Pacific" from Sierra Dynamix? I love this game, was my first sim and still play it from time to time. It have a amazing expansion ( for the era ) called 1946 ( and no is not a joke ). Is a what if expansion, US not nuke bombe Japan and they didn't surrender, so a Invasion is needed is what they called!!


US want to conquer Kyushu in the first part in order to get a strong beachhead to attack the rest of the country and specially the Kanto plain ( Operation Coronet ). 1946 expansion added planes that might have fighted on this operation, F8 Bearcat, F7 tigercat, the F2G2 Goodyear Corsair, P80, the japanese jet fighter Kikka, the strange Shinden or the Ki-83. You need to fight over Kyushu first and then over the Kanto plain.
When Jolly anounced that maybe a F8F Bearcat is possible I decided to make a hommage to the game creating a map for Olympic operation and I started changing the textures for the map. You can it here:

[Image: Olympic.jpg]

[Image: Olympic1.jpg]

Then searching Skins for the Japanese planes

[Image: Olympic2.jpg]

Maybe someone can transform into this:

[Image: 800px-J7w.png]

And this one

[Image: Olympic3.jpg]

into this:

[Image: Kikka.jpg]

I'm planning to add some American airfields and harbours in the Koshiski islands so all you USAF and RAF guys can fly your Tempests, Mustangs and P80 ( maybe Meteors in the future )
Do you like the idea?[/img][img[/img]

THat's great! I like, I like.... Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
Good luck on this one!!

Air Group 51 will be there aboard their beloved San Jack (CVL-30) to support the invasion!! :wink:

As will CVEG-35 aboard the Chenango CVE-28 :mrgreen:

nice 8)


you should use the japan/okinawa map i was working on........

Fabian for use your map I should create ALL the targets, arifields, objectives... Sure your map will be cooler but have no enough time to populate it. Thank's for the offer

Well Work continue, I added two big airfields in the small islands on the SW corner, you can take a look here:

[Image: Imagen1-3.jpg]

They also contain a small harbour with antikiamikaze protection

[Image: Harbour.jpg]

And work on the textures continue, I don't really like the effect, maybe the old ones are better?? Will really apreciatte some ideas for the texture part

[Image: grab0000-5.jpg]

I say remove the red stripe.


OLYMPIC! YAY! How exciting! I would like to participate in this as I have created little missions to depict this in advance stages (with Allied bases already established on Kyushu). Let's not forget that IRL, Tyhpoon Louis would have wiped out the US invasion fleet. Push the date back to January 1946, not November 1945, and the Operation Downfall campaign can really work!

This is a skin I use for Korean war, simply used this one causde is my default. Can you bringsome info about the historical campaign??

About Typhoon Louise:

"Louise was first seen developing on October 2 in the Caroline Islands. It unexpectedly veered north and slowed down, only to intensify as it passed over Okinawa with 90 mph wind gusts and a minimum central pressure of 968.5 mbar. Shortly after, Louise began to weaken, and hit Japan as a strong tropical storm. The tropical cyclone became extratropical shortly after on October 12. In Okinawa, 36 people died, 47 people were reported missing, and 100 people were seriously injured. In Buckner Bay, 30-35 waves were reported to have crashed ashore, tearing into the Quonset huts and other building. 12 ships were sunk, 222 ships were grounded, and another 32 were severely damaged. 80% of the buildings in the bay were completely wiped out while all 60 airplanes at the local airports were damaged, but most were repairable. 107 amphibious craft (including the wrecking of four tank landing ships, two medium landing ships, a gunboat, and two infantry landing craft) were grounded and damaged.[3]

Here is a quote from an interesting article from here:

"Now we must realize that most likely the first offensive invasion action against Japan would have been postponed to spring of 1946 after regrouping from Typhoon Louise. Given this additional time to prepare and manufacture here is some of the hardware that would have shown up in Ketsu-go, the name of the defensive operation"

The last, and most important article is this one:

Here is a quick scenerio I put together of what I think taking certain cities would be like for the Americans. It starts out with a single base which has been secured by the Americans. Marine aviators share it with Army airmen. In this mission, which has no flyable planes but several cameras, you can witness the 3rd Marine Division (as imagined by me) assault a heavily defended city on the island of Kyushu. If you like what you see I can try to make a full template of the scenery with my interpretation of Japanese defenses.

Download it here ... VW5IRGc9PQ

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