Battle of France Map - Part 2 - WIP

Progress! AutoPop problems solved. All towns and villages in the southeast quarter of the map are now populated.

This is Luxembourg. I've reduced the spread of all of the cities to improve framerates, but tried to keep enough of a big city feel.

I now have to manually edit all of the built up areas to remove objects on highways, railways and rivers. Should be straight forward now to complete the southeast quarter.

zipzapp - I will try your tip for clearing roads and water. As for templates, I have two densities of template for sk_country_mount, sk_DownCity and sk_MidCity. Also have a template for sk_Factory, though I think this is more useful just for cutting and pasting blocks. I started to put together a similar template for rail stations but this needs more work. I'm happy to send these to anyone who can use them.

[Image: Untitled-20.jpg]

This is beginning to look pretty special.

If you can get acceptable Frame Rates as well then this is really going to be in a different league !

Smile Brilliant !!!

IMHO it already is in its own league..... a 1:1 map in this highly populated area....with good info available about wartime situation from maps and photos...

a far more difficult task that the less populated areas done already Confusedhock:

That looks really great, mate Smile

Now created 10 sub-sectors for the southeast area using Actors Cut n'Shift utility. Each sub-sector is 50x100km and loads ok in FMB Map Editor. Starting detailed editing with the Sedan sector.
Followed zipzapp's suggestion and used "clear roads" and "clear water" to get rid of objects overlying rivers and roads. This works ok but doesnt clear bridges and still leaves a few objects wrongly placed, so there is still a need to visually check the whole map to spot problems. Saves a lot of time though.

Due to my template construction larger villages tend to have too many churches but these are easily selected and changed to other building types. All seems to be going too well. I expect another problem will crop up soon. Smile

Ah - is that what 'Clear Roads' and 'Clear Water' does! I never pressed it because I thought they would delete my roads and rivers! lol

Anyone know what 'Create Bridges' does then?

Looking great ashes Smile

[quote="canonuk"]Ah - is that what 'Clear Roads' and 'Clear Water' does! I never pressed it because I thought they would delete my roads and rivers! lol

Many thanks, asheshouse. I forgott to say: My two templates are for bigcountry.tga. I uploadet them to ... einfo.html

(Name was ... village_small_actors.static; filefront changed that)

and ... einfo.html


After renaming them to actors.static they are ready to be used within the autopop map with the bigcountry in the bigger square for tuning, enhancing or deleting ;-) Left outside the square ist some 'raw material". Autopop.exe seems to ignore that.

I will make this or that other template and publish ist. Main advantage with sharing templates is that we can easyly use different types of citys pp. in a map. Nevertheless any serious mapmaker will further on make own templates. They are welcome to share too.

May be Mr. Jolly will be so kind to open a special slot for sharing templates or even special objects like castels, harbours, airports and so on? Would make mapping work much easier? (Yes! I donated! (a few month ago). And i do it again! )

No idea what 'creating brdges" makes. Tested it a while ago and expected created bridges. Nothing happend. May be ths works only at height 0?

it looks so real ... fantastic job Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin


Another image. This time Charleroi on the River Sambre.

[Image: Untitled-21.jpg]

It looks amazing. I see how many work You put in this project. I'm hardly waiting for this map, for the moment when I took my Mustang for long escort mission Smile

View of Namur, on the confluence of the River Meuse and River Sambre.

All towns and villages in the southeast quarter of the map are now populated and quick edits to remove objects from roads, rivers and bridge approaches have been done. Total object count for this quarter of the map is 337394, which is within budget. Smile

I have a few bridge errors to correct which should not take long.
Then I need to add a few additional airfields which are needed and sort out a few taxiways.
My airfields are very simple compared to the work of others.

First issue of the map will only be populated in the southeast quarter ( R. Meuse/Ardenne and west to Cambrai) --- Not long now -- I hope?

[Image: Untitled-22.jpg]

Have you considered asking Lal_Rone permission to use some of his super French Chateaux from his Normandy map?

Just a thought...not a request...... 8)

Good work, Ashe Smile

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