Would Really like to see Hurricane Season and Spit N Fire Campaigns redone with Cannos Online Chanel Map and then with Clockwatcher full 1:1 Scale map of the channel. These I think are done really well.
Redoing Spit n Fire and Hurricane season would look great on Cannon's map, I think. But I'm not familiar with Clockwatcher's full 1:1 scale map of the channel. What is it? Does that mean that Canon's map is not full scale? What a shame.
I've searched the site for any info on Clockwatcher's map but can't find any. What is this map and what area is covered?
To put a campaign onto a new map would mean rebuilding the campaign from scratch. It would be a whole new project I'm afraid, with the exception of the research part and perhaps most of the briefings. A tall order really.
But we've got a channel map at long last so some new campaigns must be in the pipeline surely. I'm tempted to start but time for me these days is so limited.