Can't Get Slovakia Map to show up

I just did a game reinstall...Again...
I have the startup screen with the 1946 in the center.
It shows 4.09b1m and 4.08 mod activator enabled on startup.

In QMB all maps show up except Slovakia. I have it listed under [Quicks] in the conf.ini and it is listed in the "All.ini" file under modmaps/maps

In the mods section there is a QMBV2 folder which has many maps of which Slovakia is among them.

just can't get it to show up in either QMB or FMB. Oppps..Not true!... I found that I had two layers of mapmods within the Mods folder.. I cleaned that up & I can now get to the Slovakia map in the FMB, but still not the QMB..

Also, another question ref QMB...I am showing several maps that say "Online" Those shouldn't be there should they?

Kurland Online, Desert Online, Italy Online, Online4Summer and Online MT are the ones in my QMB.

is it listed in yor conf.ini like:


Look at the Readme

FLY..yeah right... have that covered thank you..

I guess I need to know if the rest of you (with 4.09b1m installed) also have those above mentioned online maps in your QMB also.

No sense looking for a problem if I really don't have one. it just doesn't seem logical that they be there.

So maybe someone could please check their QMB & let me know it they have those online maps also...

PapaG39 Wrote:So maybe someone could please check their QMB & let me know it they have those online maps also...

yup, i have them present .... they came with QMBplus and they have no conf.ini listings . I'm on 4.09b1m ...

hope that helps

That's strange...I don't have QMBPlus installed & never have had it. I tried QMBMinus, but it froze my game up solid at 30% of loading. I tend to believe that my having gotten the initial mod install sequence loaded incorrectly caused it to NOT work...

I have since completely uninstalled the game & deleted the main folder & reinstalled the dvd from scratch. It should be completely clean of outside interferences...
Ran a reg cleaner type utility & defraged etc also...

I definately have something out of place because that Slovakia map will not show up in MB load screen.

Perhaps those particular online maps are suppose to be there...Can you even play the game online in QMB? I can't remember ever having done that..

Ahhhh haaaa.... Fly! I just learned to look with both eyes....

I had [Quick] with a capital "Q" you typed [quick] with a small "q" and that made Slovakia show up..... What gets me though is that all the rest of the names on my config list were there.

Mystery solved!.. thanks much guys..

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