[DOWNLOAD] "Ba$tards of the Slot" campaign

When? When? When? Big Grin

Looks amazing, what can I say other than that.

And it just gets sillier...
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[Image: mistelsillierandsillier.jpg]
[Image: mistelflak.jpg]
[Image: mistelcominatya.jpg]
[Image: mistelresult.jpg]
How's the serenity?
[Image: sailaway.jpg]

Jude, are you off your medications again? Confusedhock: :lol:

:Smile) Mark, this is all ruthlessly historically accurate. I've spent hours poring over tomes for this baby!
BTW, very sorry to hear your recent news. I'll email you shortly.
[Image: a5mhangars.jpg]
[Image: g11underfire.jpg]
[Image: g11undertheirnoses.jpg]
[Image: gunship.jpg]

Have you gone crazy, FSM??? Confusedhock: That looks bloody marvellous!
Me thinks I'll have to get the Slot-Map.... :roll:

You MUST, you MUST!

The ground crews gather for a laugh and a bit of a wager.
[Image: goodluck.jpg]
"This'll never work!"
[Image: goodluckreverse.jpg]

"Alright. Pay up, pay up."
[Image: hadtahurt.jpg]

[Image: floatonfloat.jpg]
[Image: floatattack2.jpg]
[Image: floatinvasion.jpg]
[Image: floatattack.jpg]
[Image: floatonfloatbright.jpg]

FSM, I very much hope that making this campaign doesn't slow your progress on Jedermann IV?

Hey Dom, Nope. Not at all. What has slowed my progress on JedermannIV is everythign other damn thing in my lifeSmile I just about have time to squeeze this one in but Jedermann IV requires serious time. I do want to do it though - some of the missions will be epic and I want to see them for myself.

Any news, Jude? Big Grin

Hey man,
Just yesterday my PC was returned from the supportcentre. The RAM crapped out on me. I only bought this thing back in November so i was kind of miffed.The whole thing took over two weeks from the initial trouble to getting it back. Sooo nice to be able to take up a FW190 for a spin last night (visions of Defence of the Reich have been swirling through my mind again recently)! Anyway, I can't remmber what I was doing on this so I'll have a look and get back into it in my meagre spare time (started an MA recently Cry )
Cheers for the BUMP!

If you don't mind, would you post a new version of Luftwaffe Pilot: BOB using Spitfire I instead Spitfire V? Many thanks!

@ojcar: I somewhere have the files for an altered LWP-BOB, which I made with FSM's permission.
Jude, would you mind uploading it omewhere should I find them? I'll send them via e-Mail :wink:

EDIT: My e-Mail program tells me, that I sent you the files a while ago, Jude, do you still have them or shall I re-sand them?

Ohh, I was wondering about theat DOm. I knew you'd replaced it but was waiting for it to be published somewhere. I'll check my email and see if I still have them. If you have them though, please go ahead and post them somewhere.

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