Pop up distance

The quite short buildings pop up distance may be good for framerates but is very bothersome for sightseeing especially at a bombing run. Is there any possibility to increase the pop up distance and making buildings (or other objekts) pop up earlier?

It is possible to increase it but I don't know how, I would like that too, especially for the larger objects. I know at least one M8 here who knows how to do it.

Actually I have requested this before, but to no avail.

Imagine your plane has a large 1000metre bubble around it, and all objects past that are invisible. As your plane fly's, then the bubble passes over the invisible buildings and they become visible, that's the best way I can think of explaining it.

So all we need is that visibility bubble (for buildings and ground objects) to be extended, maybe double the distance, even 4x distance (user switchable if possible), so that the rubbish 'pop up' buildings, at last, don't kill the immersion.

PC's are powerful enough to do this now, it's a must have for me, if only someone could do it.

BTW, we are not talking visibility mod for clouds and mountains, it's the buildings and objects on the ground......

Good request though, cheers, MP.

Unless there is a setting in the conf.ini I haven't found, I think the only way to improve this is to put the landscape detail up to perfect...


Hubert, I still get relatively short distance pop-ups even in Perfect mode.

Hmmm, yep would love to see the visibility distance of objects increased. It's really the only thing that detracts from this incredible sim. I truly hope someone finds out how to do this.

Cheers, Neil Smile

Agreed, perfect mode doesn't make much difference. The only thing I noticed that might help is that larger buildings in the industrial areas are visible at longer ranges.... so I imagine that they have LOD similar how the aircraft do. Is this modifiable in anyway? As I know nothing about programming that is as far as I got :oops:

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