looks great......
something which annoyed me when I was making my Pearl Harbor mission was that the water in the Harbour area hardly allows for any moving ships...... the game engine restricts moving ships to a certain distance from land and in a narrow area will not allow them to be placed :evil:
I had to resort to fiddling in the Notepad with the mis file to get the Nevada to be able to leave it's moorings and steam down towards Hospital point where it grounded itself and then was swung by the tide to face back in its original direction...and also allow a couple of destroyers to escape the harbour area
Don't forget to make a nice Kanohe Sea-plane base...which attracted a large amount of straffing by zeros
Oh, it's too fantastic to be a real thing!!!
The blurring of map_c only occurs if you use the 'transform.bat' if you just use the disect it doesn't happen
I used compose to go from the stock map_c.tga and table files to an editable map_c.tga.
When I did that, I got those grid lines. After I had done my editing and disected the map_c file again to put it in-game, most of the rivers had spots where they constricted to almost nothing or disappeared entirely, coresponding to the locations of the "grid lines".
I haven't had to use transform.bat yet, just compose.bat and disect.bat.
WOW! I used to skip the missions from campaigns that started of in Hawaii.
I think I will replay those campaigns after this beauty is out! 8)