What's the correct way to employ CS?

What files are present present in the xmap folder?
And can you paste here your load.ini file?
It shouldn't be like what you described, you should see the landscape, to be able to work in 3D etc.

Into the folder there are the following 12 files:
1) MWactors [That I've produced with Actors Static Lite v.0.93]
2) vol_ita_load [I'm working with the beautiful Redfox'ItalyGreeceAfrica map: I wish to add some
docks on Palermo port]
3) vol_ita_map_h
4) vol_ita_ed_m01
5) vol_ita_ed_m02
6) vol_ita_ed_m03
7) vol_ita_map_c
8) vol_ita-map_c
9) vol_ita_map_R
10) vol_ita_map_T
11) vol_ita_map_F
11) vol-itatexts

Excepting my MWactors file the other 11 ones are the original map files. As regards the load.ini file i should paste I've been completely taken aback! No such a file has been created neither by Actors v.0.93 nor by CS... But perhaps You mean I should create it myself ... This would be another question :roll:

Seems ok the load.ini I was talking is in your case vol_ita_load.ini, when you listed the files you listed them without the file extensions..So open the vol_ita_load.ini with notepad, copy the text and paste it here.

Hi, lowfighter,
here is the text of vol_ita_load.ini. I hopeI've undestood correctly your "paste here" (paste in my message!). I remark that this file refers to [static] vol_ita_actors.static. Is it that the problem. Must I change it with [static] MWactors.static?

ColorMap = vol_ita_map_c.tga
HeightMap = vol_ita_map_h.tga
SmallMap = map_M.tga
TypeMap = vol_ita_map_T.tga
FarMap = vol_ita_map_F.tga
ReflMap = vol_ita_map_R.tga

LandLight = LandLight.mat
CloudShadows = CloudShadows.mat



Down = Cube_bott.tga
East = Cube_right.tga
North = Cube_front.tga
South = Cube_back.tga
Up = Cube_top.tga
West = Cube_left.tga


Wood0 = Italy_DF/forest/summer/itawood0.tga
Wood1 = Italy_DF/forest/summer/itawood1.tga
Wood2 = Italy_DF/forest/summer/itawood2.tga
Wood3 = Italy_DF/forest/summer/itawood3.tga
Wood4 = Italy_DF/forest/summer/itawood4.tga
WoodMask2 = forest/summer/forestMask.tga
WoodMask3 = forest/summer/forestMask2.tga
WoodMiniMasks = forest/summer/MiniMask.tga
SideWood = forest/summer/ForestSide.tga

HighClouds = Clouds256.tga
HighCloudsNoise = CloudsNoise.tga
// CloudsMap = CloudMap4x4km.tga
Moon = Moon\Moon0000.tga
ShadeNoise = land/SandNoise.tga
WaterNoise = water/WaterNoise.tga
WaterNoiseAnimStart = Water/Animated/WaterNoise00.tga
ForestNoise= forest/summer/ListForestNoise.tga
BeachFoam = water/PacificFoam_.tga
BeachSurf = water/PacificBeachSurf.tga
BeachLand = water/RiverLand.tga
CoastBumpNoise = water/CoastBumpNoiseDimas.tga
Tree0 = Trees\AlteredBush8a.tga
TreeLightMask = Trees\LightM256.tga

Water = water/PacificWater.tga
WaterColorATI = 0.140 0.175 0.230
//WaterColorATI = 0.150 0.225 0.180
WaterColorNV = 0.140 0.185 0.268
//WaterColorNV = 0.165 0.264 0.233

Rail = land/summer/Rail
Road = land/summer/Road
Highway = land/summer/Highway

LowLand0 = Italy_DF/land/summer/LowLand_2neu.tga
LowLand1 = land/summer/Grnd/fields_proc015_512.tga
LowLand2 = land/summer/Grnd/fields_proc021_512.tga,2
LowLand3 = land/summer/Grnd/fields_proc018_512.tga,2
MidLand0 = Italy_DF/land/summer/macchia_neu4.tga,2
MidLand1 = Italy_DF/land/summer/dryland.tga,2
MidLand2 = Italy_DF/land/summer/dry1.tga,2
MidLand3 = Italy_DF/land/summer/macchia_neu3.tga,2
Mount0 = Italy_DF/land/summer/macchia_neu5.tga,2
Mount1 = Italy_DF/land/summer/grass_macchia_rock_v2.tga,2
Mount2 = land/summer/Grnd/fields_proc019_512.tga
Mount3 = Italy_DF/land/summer/mount_top2.tga,2
Country0 = land/summer/dry2_v2.tga,2
Country1 = land/summer/Grnd/fields_grnd_02.tga
Country2 = land/summer/Grnd/fields_grnd_04.tga
Country3 = land/summer/Grnd/fields_grnd_04gr.tga
City0 = Italy_DF/land/summer/MidCity.tga
City1 = Italy_DF/land/summer/DownCity_dry.tga
City2 = Italy_DF/land/summer/CenterCity_dry2.tga
City3 = Italy_DF/land/summer/factory_dry.tga
AirField0= Italy_DF/land/summer/dry2_v2.tga,2
AirField1= Italy_DF/land/summer/Lowland_dry.tga,2
AirField2= Italy_DF/land/summer/macchia_dry.tga,2
AirField3= land/summer/airfieldGr.tga
Wood0 = Italy_DF/land/summer/macchia_neu4.tga,2
Wood1 = Italy_DF/land/summer/vulcan.tga
Wood2 = Italy_DF/forest/summer/ItaWood_far.tga,2
Wood3 =
Water0 = water/water.tga
Water1 = water/water.tga
Water2 = water/coastline.tga
;Water3 = Italy_DF/water/dune_beach.tga
Water3 = land/summer/grnd/fields_sand3.tga

Yes, you are right! Change in the vol_ita_load.ini from




I've created a new MWactors.static file, as it seemed to me the precedent one didn't work very well (I could load the map in FMB, but in the foot of the frame an error message appeared). Nope! The new file too presents the same problems:
1) in the foot of the frame appears the message:"Actors load
from 'maps/vol_italyafricagreece/MWactors.static' FAILED: null"
2) on the map only bridges (marked by a green number) and airports are visibles
3) when I zoom the map in ordet to add objects at a certain point all the background gets black (only the lines of the grid, the bridges and the airports remain visible, floating in a sea of black...), with the notable exception of a central white square
This program wants me mad! :x Why all that happens to me? Cry

Maybe there's still something wrong with your MWactors.static. What happens if you place in your folder the original vol_ita_actors.static, and make the correspinding change in vol_ita_load.ini and than try to open the map in normal FMB mode (not in FMB map mode). Does the map load? In case that it loads then there's something wron with MWactors.static. In which case please post here as detailed as possible all the steps you did to create the MWactors, starting with the "extract" operation, then use of the CS tool and the the "compose" operation. How big is your MWactors.static? If it's small, just open it with notepad, copy the text and paste it here, I can try to check it...maybe tomorrow.
You'll manage in the end, don't get frustrated! :lol:

Well, I proceed so:
1) I obtain the approximate surface of the whole map puting an object (say Object 0) as north as possible on the map, then saving this change as mission (say, Italyms.mis). With Nothepad I open this mission file, I take the central cypher and i put it into the file MapSize.txt of the folder ACTORS_TOOL
2) I copy the vol_ita_actors.static file from folder MODS>MAPMODS>maps>vol_ItalyAfricaGreece (leaving for the moment the original file into the folder) and I paste it into the folder ACTORS_TOOL
3) Using Command prompt i navigate to ACTORS_TOOL and I imput the command "extract": I obtain 5 files: outBuildings.txt, outChiefs.txt, outChiefsRoad.txt, outNStationary.txt, outWing.txt. I copy these 5v files and paste them into the folder actors_CS.
5) I start CS; I imput the coordinates xy of the area I want to modify (I've measured them from the grid of the map: say, Y100 refers to value 100 of the grid, not 100 from the bottom of the map...).
I obtain the following files:
outBuildings_cut1.txt and *_*_cut2.txt
outChiefs_cut1.txt and *_*_cut2.txt
outChiefsRoad_cut1.txt and *_* _cut2.txt
The other two files (outNStationary and outWing remain unaltered). I can remark that the 3 out*_*_cut1.txt files have all 0 KB and if I open them with Notepath they result blank).
6) Neverthless I copy the 3 out*_*_cut1.txt files and outNStationary.txt and outWing.txt and paste them again into ACTORS_TOOL. I change "out" in "in" and I erase "_cut1" by right clicking on every file and employing "rename".
7) By Command prompt I imput the order "java -jar Act.jar create", and I obtain an MWactors.static file. I replace into MODS>MAPMODS>maps>vol_ItalyAfricaGreece the original actors.static file with the newely created MWactors.static file. I modify load.ini and then i open the map by FMB
I think that some big mess appens when I employ CS or the command "create": look in the following message what Notepat reads in my MWactors.static file :!: :!: :!:

Cool, isn't it, my file?! 8)

яя  r 

Acajoun I'll post tomorrow in all detail how we do it...

Ok, so let's say I want to break vol_ita actors.static into smaller parts such that I can then work with these in FMB map mode.
The folder vol_ItalyAfricaGreece contains as you said an actors.static file with the name "vol_ita_actors.static"
As you did I create a folder let's say "vol_ItalyAfricaGreece_actors" somewhere and I place there the files:
Readme.txt (not necessary but in case I want to quickly refresh my memory.
As you did I open windows prompt and navigate to this folder and run
java -jar Act.jar extract vol_ita_actors.static
As a result I get the following output files:

Now the file which has to be split with the CS program is outBuildings.txt. (It is not necessary that you split the other outfiles, leave them as they are, if you want to modify the atributes which are determined by the other outfiles you can do that in FMB map mode after you have constructed your smaller actors.static )

So let's come back to our outBuildings.txt
You copy just the file outBuildings.txt and you place it in the CS program folder and you run the CS program.
Then you get as output the outBuildings_cut1.txt and outBuildings_cut2.txt.
Let's say the one which you want to use is outBuildings_cut1.txt
First open it with notepad and make sure there are no blank (empty) lines at the bottom). If there are blank lines then just delete them and save.
Now copy the file and paste it into the "vol_ItalyAfricaGreece_actors" folder
Next, in this folder :
rename outBuildings_cut1.txt to inBuildings.txt
rename outNStationary.txt to inNStationary.txt
rename outChiefs.txt to inChiefs.txt
rename outChiefsRoad.txt to inChiefsRoad.txt
rename outWing.txt to inWing.txt

So now in the folder you have

Now go again to the windows prompt
and run

java -jar Act.jar create
After a while (depending on how big was your inNStationary.txt) the final MWactors.static is created

Dear lowfighter,
i've carefully followed your last instructions but the result has been the same than before. The newly created MWactors.static is still blurred and the zoom of the map brings to a black background Cry Cry Cry I think perhaps I've done some mistake in downloading and installing ACT_093 and/or CS. There is moreover something that I wonder: when i modify the files conf.ini and bldconf.ini do I need something installed before into Il-2 1946 in order to work correctly on the map(say, the zipfolder CMa3.zip wich is downloaded together with Act_0.93)? Or the modified version of the 2 files exploit resources already present into the commercialized version of Il-2 1946? :?:

Acajoun please check private message.
Also if you try to open a default map which has a small actors.static, let's say Guadalcanal, can you open it in FMB map mode?

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