I'm looking for a B-29 template with a natural metal layer. I have Buglord's template but that doesn't have a metal layer and as yet my attempts at making one are pretty naff to say the least. Anyone know where I can get hold of one??
Ill try to make one for you. or go sign up for simmers paintshop.(suggested)
Already with them a nd there is no B-29 template there. Tried the metal skin tutorial a couple of times and I cant get it to look the same :oops: And yes please on the template if you dont mind 8)
hmmm...... how would I post it?
Then how did you just post the website browsers??? :?: :?:
can you post the B29 template over here please!!!! :roll:
sorry katch, was impssoble to make mate. but the good news: building skins really fast..... should have a midway skinpack soon (and some others of course) should be out in no time chap!
Hmm metal layer? maybe if you could contact FBS (Fly By Shooter) on the forum or something he might have a metal layer already done for a B29 or he's very good at making one. If not then perhaps Hawk could make one if he has the time to?
it's not hard but I use the GIMP. it works great, but has a different white removal than comparison photoshops. Still can get sturmovik skinning processes. Ill' give it another try mate....