Philippines v1.1 now completed... to download

Dixiecapt Wrote:Hey there I wanted to go ahead and ask if it is going to be possible to play this map in Excellent mode. Will It's Map_F be set up to allow such with out bleed throughs?

... made with Excellent mode on... allways on

oh.... Well first off I should have already said Bravo Man, LOVE to See the Philippines, I know alot of folks that are jumping up and down about this map.

I Myself harken back to the ACES OVER THE PACIFIC days when I was in Junior High (back in the early nineties)

My Favorite Campaign to play was the fall of the Philippines in an early P-40B Model... therefor, I've already been building missions on the beta of this map!

Love it! Really Glad to here your going to re-shade the textures...

Oh and in reguards to the Map_F .... When I'm in FMB I see a black Horizon, from Map_f's black oceans...

However when I play tested the missions I made I saw no such effect, so Your very correct sir, this Map IS Excellent Mode friendly!

Can't wait for the final release! Here are some shots of the fun I had with this map last night.

[Image: p1.jpg]

[Image: p2.jpg]

[Image: p3.jpg]

[Image: p4.jpg]

[Image: p5.jpg]

[Image: p6.jpg]

[Image: p7.jpg]

[Image: p8.jpg]

Having very strange problems with this map...

Created a DCG campaign with it..
though when loading the campaign up It gives this error about 80-90 some % through the load..

Mission loading failed :
Mesh 3do/humans/paratroopers/russia/mono.sim not created

Have no clue what that is.. dont even have "paratroopers" or ground units in the campaign other than two jeeps.
Never had any error like this before. Stumped.

Also tested the map just as a single mission.. nothing but 1 aircraft.
Game locks up hard as soon as mission loads... every time.
forced to alt-tab and kill.

Have all other maps from AAA installed and running with DCG .. no issue.

I am running in perfect mode though. Saw you mention excellent mode.. dont know if that is the reason. Even still I dont think that explains the paratrooper thing

Widowmaker Wrote:Having very strange problems...

Mission loading failed :
Mesh 3do/humans/paratroopers/russia/mono.sim not created

:oops: :oops: :oops: Really no idea !

But one problem with Mods is the lack of coherence... I mean there are so many Mods now... and nobody to keep integration between Mods... so everybody has his own installation on his computer...
I have some Mods... you have your own... not the same... so it's almost impossible to try every situation when you release a map and find all possible bugs...

And I'm quite sure we still have a lot to discover about this game, for example I discover this bug and solution yesterday but I don't understand what it means...

Only I can say I have no problem to play mission with this one nor have some others (see Dixiecapt)

Dude, Im just giving you feed back.

Yes Im sure you can play it since you are making it.

Im giving you info on what happened on my end when I tried to use it.

You can look to see if its something in your map or not. Up to you.

As far as Canon's initial release.. that bug was because he forgot to include certain object files he used on his map.
Not because it conflicted with some other mod.

What is going on here..I have no idea. I dont even know what items that mesh relates to. Ive never seen that before. Nor have I had a map lock up IL2 before.

*** NOTE ***
I will say this though... it does not completely lock the game up. I get a stutter of several 3-5 frames every 10-20 seconds. Though there is no way to get out of it. Have to alt tab and kill the process. At that point, looking at my IL2 process, its 1.3 GB Yes. Gigabytes. In comparison, while flying an empty mission on your Sinai map, the IL2 process is about 5kb.

I only posted the results to be beneficial to the beta stage of the map.

Hows It coming?

*Big Grin* Sorry to be a pest and ask, I've got mission plans for your map!

I read about how fast the FEAF (far east air force) was destroyed in 1941 in the PI's. But the interesting thing was that the japanese pulled most of their aireal forces out of the PI area fairly soon after the campaign began. That, along with the move to Bataan kept the battle going for 4 months.

And I thought, I could make a host of fun missions about a small segment of the 20th pursuit squadron, (which was destroyed at Clark, while Taxing to take off) that wasent destroyed on the ground and maybe escaped the masacar at Clark, making their way to one of the smaller Islands between Mindanao and Luzon. There are several islands that had psuedo airstrips. What if in these sets of missions....... what if this unit of P-40Bs from the 20th pursuit squadron began to operate from a well hidden, un mapped airstrip, and they didn't use radio which would give their position away.

Seems like it might be fun!

my skin for Philippines A5M like p- 26

07_P26.jpg (The link is inoperative)

06_P26.jpg (The link is inoperative)

Hope you will pull it through! We REALLY need a Philippines Map!!!!!

I dont get to talk to delvpier but on the weekends, but he's allowed me to work on the static.actors file and there are new textures and Map_F to match them for expert players.

It's basicly done, but I want to give him what I've done, since he's the Big Bossman on this Project 8)

I've already started to put together a U.S. Army Air Corp 1941 Far East Air Force B-17/P-40 campaign for it and the Darwin map.

That's right... Dixiecapt is making a hard job with his campaign, so I asked him to populate the map as he wants... and I'm sure it will be good Smile

For other ajustments, I'm waiting for his work before making any other changes... but there will be some... textures too flashy, higher heights...

But for now I have fun with one new map : Corse-Provence, first shots...

[Image: Corse_shot03.jpg]

[Image: Corse_shot01.jpg]

[Image: Corse_shot02.jpg]

really suitable for "The last flight of Saint Exupery" :wink:

and I've given a little help to RealDarko by making basic files for his "to be released" project :

North Japan : Hokkaido and Sakhaline

[Image: Hokkaido_shot02.jpg]

[Image: Hokkaido_shot01.jpg]

but now it is his baby... so he will tell you by himself about evolution Smile

Amazing! I am very impressed! Being a mere campaign-builder with a special interest in the air war in SE Asia I can hardly wait for your upcoming maps!

Keep up the excellent work!!!!

All this sounds very promising !


I've Got New Textures in a download link in your PMs (The Originals with Red and saturation added), and Map F to match the textures!

I've finished with the Static.Actors I didn't do much with it but FIX some houses that were on Clark Field, and elongated a few Runways that Held B-17s.

I figured I would do most of my Populating on FMB for my FEAF "History What If" Campaign as a .MIS template That way others can populate the map to fit their own campaigns! Much like the Pacific Team did for the Slot.

Great idea, Dixie. Lookin' forward to this.

Small question: is there any airfield on that piece of Borneo at the end of the map?

It could be handy and increse the usability of the map even more.

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