I want to modify and existing map

Hello to all.

I want to modify and existing map "Iwojima". I am not creating a map. Just want to add some objects and taxi ways to have it as default in my game.

I need help because I don't know what is next and What I am doing wrong. I have been reading all the tutorials for maps but in all of them talk about creating a map. That is not my case. Just modify an existing one.

[Image: 2808200818-19-43_resize.jpg]
This is what I have in my hard disk.

[Image: 2808200818-19-27_resize.jpg]
In here I just add the object that I want.

[Image: 2808200818-19-37_resize.jpg]
Here I select save to save the changes.

[Image: 2808200818-19-41_resize.jpg]
At the bottom of the screen I got this message. And nothing happend.

Please, if someone can help me on this I will really appreciate it.

Thank you.

Looking at your screen shots, looks to me you have your map in the wrong place. Move the map folder iwo out of your -tex folder and up into your Maps folder. The -tex folder is just for texture samples in map making. You also should move the other map folders Slot and LAL_Crimea up as well.

Good luck! Smile

Hi P-38L,

Create a folder under you il2 root folder and call it maps, then create another folder under this new maps folder and call it iwo... structure should look like ...\il2root\maps\iwo - this is the folder where your changes will be saved - you then have to move/copy them to your .....\mods\mapmods\maps\iwo folder.

As an example I have been toying with Cannon's channel 1940 map and the folder any changes are saved to is D:\Program Files\409Mod\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\maps\CAN_Channel

Hope this helps


P38 si tienes alguna duda, preguntame por PM

No hoy problema, cuando tengas tiempo y disponibilidad.

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