Do you have a link for downloading Mod Activator?
Best regards,
delvpier, fabianfred & fly_zo,
Unified Installer fixed all problems. Thank you all for your advice. The Philippines Map rules! I am going to have a lot of fun with this one.
Very best regards,
Cool, Philippine Map? awesome I been wanting to make a Bataan mission in coop. Thanks Much, Agi.
After I play the coop I need to close the game becuase I always get this this message and I can't replay the coop.
mission loading:mesh 3do/human/paratroopers russia/mono.simhas created
What is this mean ? I have to restart the game to replay the mission.
If ver 2 is loaded, will it over write the first version, or will it create a new map?
Actually Delvpier you might need to move the endpoints into the water, as the planes are positioned back from the endpoint.