checkerboard patterns on map_T

I found a pretty good combination:
Applied to Okinawa map and gives quite nice variation (lowland0 replaced with a checkerboard of lowland0 and midland3 which was free).
Can be used I think for Russian steppe too, for autumn...

With this idea you would need to choose the textures carefully I think, otherwise you get a horrible mish-mash of style. Also, given there's a limited set of texture slots available, you might need to restrict the range of patterns. I've already run into this problem on my map so I've had to choose textures for specific purposes.

Absolutely, and this is the tricky part...Limited texture slots, I got this idea some time ago: when choosing the textures try to get them such that any two of them will fit, even if they represent different terain. Then you can blend them and get quite different results. Very much like the painter having a set of basic colors and mixing them. But again this is hard, very.

caldrail Wrote:With this idea you would need to choose the textures carefully I think, otherwise you get a horrible mish-mash of style. Also, given there's a limited set of texture slots available, you might need to restrict the range of patterns.

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