Of interest

Another one that may interest flight sim fanatics. This is a single point head tracking system using freetrack software. Transmitter is a childs nightlite with the ir diodes mounted in the left engine nacelle and a white diode in the cockpit to indicate when it is active uses 120V. The receiver is a Microsoft VX-3000 with ir filter removed and visible light filter installed. always 30fps. Im a happy pilot.
[Image: DSCN2569.jpg]
[Image: DSCN2570.jpg]
[Image: DSCN2574.jpg]

And now something completely different...

Hehe, yep freetrack works great.

P.s... Empty your recycle bin Wink

Cheers, Neil Smile

Thats not file folders in that trash can Its shaved ice and Tooeys

Lol..as I said, empty it......'hic' :lol:

Cheers, Neil Smile

Already done Mate. Had a couple last nite with my vegemite sandwich.

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