Uploaded Industry template for AUTOPOP

Uploaded my template, see first post.

This looks ike a wonderful aid to making industrial areas.

But a question: when unzipped and placed in the missions game folder, the map opens in good order, but it is on otherwise featureless flat terrain. I also surmise that it is meant to be used in conjunction with other maps.

So the question is fairly simple: how does one place all those objects into another map? I am quite certain there are no batch commands in the FMB or any possibility of using anything like copy and paste commands either.

So how does it work?

Agracier, the objects placed in the mission have to be used as input of the prog autopop.exe (it's present in the map utils download section). Then the output is to be used with the basic actor static tool (act.jar, also available to download). This gives as output a file which the game read and place the objects when we open the map in FMB or fly around..
I didn't place instructions of how to use the uploaded file because I assumed people who would test/use it know already how to work with autopop and the basic actor tool.
If you'd like to test or even create your own templates (for village, town or industry) you have first to learn using the above mentioned plus the load.ini and map_T meanings.. People are pretty helpful here...

Thanks for the explanation on your industrial template.

I've tried using these tools some time previously before, but it is lost cause trying to understand their working in any meaningful way. far beyond my skills.

Thanks for explaining though.

@Agracier if you want to give it another try about maps just ask here when you have a problem or thing you don't understand...

@Friendly Flyer , how is it going with your template?!

I'd say I'm about 1/3rd through. It's slow work. I plan to make a few areas with larger structures, but having limited myself to use as few objects as possible, it

Friendly, this is possible and was used already by some (canon_uk, RONE). Namely in the static ini there's for each object two parametres

AddHeightLive 0.0
AddHeightDead 0.0

which if changed from 0 the object will appear elevated. (If for an object this lines are missing in static.ini the game takes the default 0.0 values)
So if you want a certain object to appear elevated you have first to clone it (very easy just some copy-paste into static.ini) and then for the cloned object to change the addheight numbers accordingly..
Think about such an object you want to use in elevated state and I'll show the details such that you'll be able to do it with whatever other object.
Note: that means users have to do accordingly changes to their static.ini...

So basically, I'll be making a new object that is elevated. Will I have to make a new object for every hight, or is it possible to make an object elevateable, so that I can set the elevation for each object of that type in the FMB?

Unfortunately it's not possible to set the object elevation in FMB, at least up to now....That would be nice :mrgreen:

Oh well, back to populating two and a half square kilometre of industrial area...

Just to keep you interested, here are more factories, including two typical factory buildings with staggered roofs:

[Image: Staggered.jpg]

Love the composite stuff !
The 2 smokestacks, aren't they a bit to big for that "building"? I'd have used the smaller Slovakian ones...

When racing past in 250 mph the, you probably won't react to that, but you are right, the factory object with chimneys that size (object 60) is by far the largest building in the game. Then again, at that speed non of my fancy composites will be seen either (sigh). I will substitute the chimney for the Slovakian one, reserving the big ones for the really large composite structures.

When flying low, one of the most conspicuous elements are the chimneys. I have decided to use bout types to get a bit of variation.

Not quite so, of course the flier will not see the full complexity, but the overall sensation will be better than the one with simpler structures!

Friendly_flyer Wrote:non of my fancy composites will be seen either (sigh).

A question not directly related to industry template but creating templates in general. Does it make a big difference if one uses only few object to populate the map or not? I'm in a process of re-writing some of my city templates and this would be a very welcome info. Say, max 4 different buildings for each part of town, that would make 12 different objects for all, villages and cities combined.


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