
Ok I am new to skinning,it's my first day. I am using GIMP 2.6 and I have BRIGHT, but I can't get the skins to be read by il-2. I save the skin as .bmp, but when I try to run BRIGHT the dos box pops up but then it goes away immediately and the skin is unchanged. Help!

Reduce the color depth to 24 bit (indexed/RGB or whatever GIMP calls it) before running it through BRIGHT. The final skin needs to be 1Mb in size for a 1024 X 1024 pixel .bmp file.

Hope that helped.

This is easily done by entering "advanced setup" when you go to save as a bmp file.

The steps:

In Gimp - File - save as - xxx.bmp -

The "export file" box will pop up - choose "merge visible layers" - click export -

The "save as bmp" box will pop up - click "advanced options" and choose 24 bit R8 G8 B8. Click save.

I don't know if there is a way to make gimp default to this setting when saving as a bmp.

Also - if you use bright - I've found that brighter (a windows shell for using bright) is convenient to use.

You can download it a simmers paint shop

Thanks Viking 4570! That did the trick. I have been playing around with templates.

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