QMB Plus problem


I was wondering if anyone can help. I have dl'd the zip_Alpen map and added it to my MODS and added Custom5=zip_Alpen to my conf.ini.

I can choose the map in QMB now but when I hit FLY it says "Wrong Target Selected".

I tried choosing other targets to no avail...........


This is a old problem, some maps work when you create a mission in quick folder, inside QMB, but some maps dont work, my sugestion is do a Oficcial AAA installer with 10 MUST MAPs tp QMB, please if somebody have all this maps ok, copy the ready files and share here, is a long time waiting to can fly new maps.


Kman Wrote:Hello,

I was wondering if anyone can help. I have dl'd the zip_Alpen map and added it to my MODS and added Custom5=zip_Alpen to my conf.ini.

I can choose the map in QMB now but when I hit FLY it says "Wrong Target Selected".

I tried choosing other targets to no avail...........

Kman, the reason you are getting the "Wrong Target Selected" message is because there are no missions for that map inside the "Missions/Quick" folder inside your main game directory.

If you go here: (The link is inoperative) you will find QMBPlus mission packs for the Alpen and several other maps.

Paulo Hirth Wrote:+1

This is a old problem, some maps work when you create a mission in quick folder, inside QMB, but some maps dont work, my sugestion is do a Oficcial AAA installer with 10 MUST MAPs tp QMB, please if somebody have all this maps ok, copy the ready files and share here, is a long time waiting to can fly new maps.

Paulo Hirth, before you use any of these you must back up your existing copy of each file so if something goes wrong you can put them back in.

Here is my map list for the "conf" file which is in the main game directory.
Place this list at the end of the conf file.

Custom5=LAL_Okinawa OkinawaLAL
Custom28=LAL_Crim2_autumn LAL

Be advised, these lines just add the maps to your QMBPlus or the FMB, I forget which, but you need them.

Then, after backing up your "all" file in MODS/MapMods/Maps, copy this one:

Ardennes_S Ardennes/sload.ini
Ardennes_W Ardennes/wload.ini
Balaton Balaton/load.ini
Balaton_winter Balaton/load_w.ini
Berlin Berlin/load.ini
Bessarabia bessarabia/load.ini
Burma Burma/load.ini
Chichi Chichi/load.ini
CoralSea CoralSea/load.ini
CoralSeaOnline CoralSea/Online_load.ini
CoralSeaOnline2 CoralSea/2_load.ini
Crimea Crimea/load.ini
Crimea Crimea/load.ini
dlv_Sinai dlv_Sinai/load.ini
Empty1a Empty1a/load.ini
Empty1a_Winter Empty1a_Winter/load.ini
Empty1b Empty1b/load.ini
Empty1b_Winter Empty1b_Winter/load.ini
Empty2a Empty2a/load.ini
Empty2a_Winter Empty2a_Winter/load.ini
Empty2b Empty2b/load.ini
Empty2b_Winter Empty2b_Winter/load.ini
Empty4a Empty4a/load.ini
Empty4b Empty4b/load.ini
English_Channel_1940 CAN_Channel/CAN_40_load.ini
FinsGulf FinsGulf/load.ini
FinsGulf FinsGulf/load_w.ini
Guadal Guadal/load.ini
GuadalE Guadal/eload.ini
GW_Ardennes ardennes/GW_winload.ini
Hawaii Hawaii/load.ini
Iasi_online Bessarabia/load_Iasi.ini
Iwo Iwo/load.ini
IwoOnine Iwo/Online_load.ini
KhalkhinGol KhalkhinGol/load.ini
Kiev Kiev/load.ini
Kt_svir Kt_svir/load.ini
Kt_svir Kt_svir/load.ini
Kt_svir_W Kt_svir/loadw.ini
Kt_svir_W Kt_svir/loadw.ini
Kuban Kuban/load.ini
Kurland_Autumn Kurland/load.ini
Kurland_Autumn_online Kurland/load_online.ini
Kurland_Winter Kurland/wload.ini
Kurland_Winter_online Kurland/wload_online.ini
Kursk Kursk/load.ini
Kyushu Japan1/load.ini
LAL_Crim2_autumn LAL_Crimea/LAL_crimeaautumn.ini
LAL_Crim2_mud LAL_Crimea/LAL_crimeamud.ini
LAL_Crim2_summer LAL_Crimea/LAL_crimeasummer.ini
LAL_Crim2_winter LAL_Crimea/LAL_crimeawinter.ini
LAL_Crimea_autumn Crimea/LAL_crimeaautumn.ini
LAL_Crimea_mud Crimea/LAL_crimeamud.ini
LAL_Crimea_summer Crimea/LAL_crimeasummer.ini
LAL_Crimea_winter Crimea/LAL_crimeawinter.ini
LAL_FinsGulf_autumn finsgulf/LAL_FinsG_autumn.ini
LAL_FinsGulf_spring finsgulf/LAL_FinsG_Spring.ini
LAL_Kuban Kuban/LAL_load.ini
LAL_Kursk Kursk/LAL_load.ini
LAL_Lvov_autumn Lviv/LAL_Lvivautumn.ini
LAL_Moscow_summer Moscow/LAL_sload.ini
LAL_Normandie-44 LALnormandy2/LAL_load2.ini
LAL_Okinawa LAL_Okinawa/load.ini
LAL_Okinawa_OnLine LAL_Okinawa/Online_load.ini
LAL_Prokhorovka Prokhorovka/LAL_load.ini
LAL_Smolensk Smolensk/LAL_load.ini
LAL_Stalingrad_Summer Stgrad/LAL_sload.ini
Lvov Lviv/load.ini
LYBIA_N-E JV69_LYBIA_N-E/JV69_M_load.ini
Manchuria Manchuria/load.ini
Marianas Marianas/load.ini
MarianasOnline Marianas/Online_load.ini
Mbug_Slovakia_winter Mbug_Slovakia_winter/load.ini
Midway Midway/load.ini
Moscow Moscow/load.ini
mrz_Malta mrz_Malta/mrz_load.ini
mrz_Malta_high mrz_Malta/mrz_load_high.ini
mrz_Malta_medium mrz_Malta/mrz_load_medium.ini
MTO MTO/load.ini
Munich Munich/load.ini
Murmansk murmansk/load.ini
MurmanskSummer MurmanskS/load.ini
Net1Summer Net1Summer/load.ini
Net1Winter Net1Winter/load.ini
Net2Summer Net2Summer/load.ini
Net2Winter Net2Winter/load.ini
Net3Summer Net3Summer/load.ini
Net5Summer Net5Summer/load.ini
Net6Island Net6Island/load.ini
Net7Islands Net7Islands/load.ini
Net8Islands Net8Islands/load.ini
Net8Islands_v2 Net8Islands/load_v2.ini
NetIslands NetIslands/load.ini
NetMountains Netmountains/load.ini
NewGuinea NewGuinea/load.ini
Normandy1 Normandy/load2.ini
Normandy2 Normandy/load.ini
Normandy3 Normandy/load1.ini
Norway Norway/load.ini
NTL_Darwin_Small NTL_Darwin_Small/NTL_Darwin_Small_load.ini
NWEurope NWEurope/load.ini
Odessa_online Bessarabia/load_Odessa.ini
Okinawa Okinawa/load.ini
OkinawaOnline Okinawa/Online_load.ini
OnlineDesert desert/load.ini
OnlineItaly Italy_DF/load.ini
Palau Palau/load.ini
PalauOnline Palau/Online_load.ini
Prokhorovka Prokhorovka/load.ini
RD_Malvinas RD_Malvinas/RD_load.ini
SandsOfTime SandsOfTime/load.ini
Singapore singapore/load.ini
Singapore2 singapore/load2.ini
Slovakia Slovakia/load.ini
Slovakia_online Slovakia/load_online.ini
Smolensk Smolensk/load.ini
Stgrad Stgrad/load.ini
SummerMoscow Moscow/sload.ini
SummerStgrad Stgrad/sload.ini
Tarawa Tarawa/load.ini
Test Test/load.ini
The_Slot_01-44 Slot/load_0144.ini
The_Slot_07-43 Slot/load_0743.ini
The_Slot_08-42 Slot/load_0842.ini
The_Slot_10-42 Slot/load_1042.ini
The_Slot_10-43 Slot/load_1043.ini
The_Slot_12-42 Slot/load_1242.ini
vol_ItalyAfricaGreece vol_ItalyAfricaGreece/vol_ita_load.ini
vol_Sardegna vol_Sardegna/vol_load.ini
vp_Balaton Balaton/vp_load.ini
vp_Lvov Lviv/vp_load.ini
vp_SandsOfTime1 SandsOfTime/vp_load.ini
vp_SandsOfTime2 SandsOfTime/2vp_load.ini
vp_SandsOfTime3 SandsOfTime/3vp_load.ini
Wake Wake/load.ini
WinterFinsGulf FinsGulf/load_w.ini
Zuti_Slovenia Zuti_Slovenia/Slovenia_load.ini
Zuti_Slovenia_Airports Zuti_Slovenia/Slovenia_Airports.ini
Zuti_Slovenia_Airports Zuti_Slovenia/Slovenia_Airports.ini
Zuti_Slovenia_Off_S Zuti_Slovenia/Slovenia_Off_S.ini
Zuti_Slovenia_Off_W Zuti_Slovenia/Slovenia_Off_W.ini
Zuti_Slovenia_On_S Zuti_Slovenia/Slovenia_On_s.ini
Zuti_Slovenia_On_w Zuti_Slovenia/Slovenia_On_W.ini
Zuti_Slovenia_Online Zuti_Slovenia/Slovenia_Online.ini
Zuti_Slovenia_Summer Zuti_Slovenia/Slovenia_Summer.ini
Zuti_Slovenia_Winter Zuti_Slovenia/Slovenia_Winter.ini

Be advised, this only adds the maps into the Full Mission Builder or the QMBPlus but you need it.

OK, now the maps are in QMBPlus and the FMB, start the game and open the Quick Mission Builder and see if the maps are in the list.
Some of the maps will not show in the QMBPlus list because I have no entry for them in the "conf" list, no worry, you can add them anytime.

Now go to the link I posted above: (The link is inoperative) and get missions for some of the new maps.

Be advised, you will still get "Wrong Target Selected" on some of the maps untill you add mission files for them but you will have missions for some of them.

There may be maps in the "conf" list that you do not have installed, leave them alone, they do no harm and if you do add a map later that is in the list, the line is already there.

Again, many of the maps I have listed in the QMBPlus list when I open the game have no missions attatched to them, you must find them in the Missions forum or make them yourself.

I hope this helps, let us know here if it worked, OK?

First thank you for your help!

I think the point is how do a correct mission to QMB? all the rest i am doing like you sugest.


There is information around about how to make missions for the QMBPlus but I am not up to sorting that one out so, I just download missions others have posted.

I hope all is working for you.

Got it!! Thanks for the help all Big Grin

Has anyone tryed QMB plus with the Unified Installer? Because I tryed it and it doesn't work. If anyone else has gotten it to work please explane how. Thx in advance.

patton521, what does not work?

Does it show in the game but no new maps, does it have maps but Wrong Target?

Did you reinstall it after you installed the UI?

You, and many others asking for help really, really, really need to supply more information regarding your problem.

"it doesn't work." is not enough.

I am not trying to be a jerk here either but if you would read a little of the topic or use the Search function you might find your answer already has been posted.

Well what didn't work was the maps didn't show up at all, I followed the instuctions to the letter and nothing. It worked when I didn't use the UI. So I don't quite know what the problem is but I'll look into it further.

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