New map requests ?!

Have you seen Delvpier B29alley map thread ? It has Japan Iwo Jima and the Marianas, not the real distances between them, but a very nice compromise...
Nice to see you from time to time around...

Phil_K Wrote:I'd like to see a map where you can fly from Iwo Jima to Japan. There's a P-51 campaign I started ages ago called "The Tokyo Pony Club" that I put on hold in the hope that such a map might be created. I feel a bit guilty, as bo_nidle did a lovely skin pack for me.

I might make this my first mapping project - could be a nice change from mission building.

lowfighter - yes I've seen Delvpier's map, but there are no runways on Iwo.

To be realistic, the Iwo map would have to change, as the Americans replaced the original 3 Japanese runways with a single long runway going North to South. I'd want to add Chi Chi Jima as well, as there were frequent raids from Iwo to Chi Chi. And I'd like to see more of Japan than just Kyushu

So my thoughts here are two maps - an Iwo/Bonins/Japan for Iwo-based squadrons, and Okinawa/Kageshima/Japan/Korea for Ie Shima-based squadrons. Maybe a nominal part of the Marianas on both maps just to land B-29's.

Probably quite a big job, but it's churning away at the back of my mind.....

Phil, Delvpier made a Guam to Japan map called "B-29 Alley". The problem is that Iwo had to be stripped of its airfields for mapmaker reasons.

But, I am guessing that you could put airfields back in using the stationery airfields and steel mesh strips in FMB.

what about the the OJ Japan Map?

a lot of work already done from what I see.
someone wants to texture it good and add the towns and some relevant airfields?

a lot of interesting and action took place during Japan homeland defense.

mandrill7 Wrote:Phil, Delvpier made a Guam to Japan map called "B-29 Alley". The problem is that Iwo had to be stripped of its airfields for mapmaker reasons.

But, I am guessing that you could put airfields back in using the stationery airfields and steel mesh strips in FMB.

I had to remove them for 2 reasons :

1/ as this is a merge of 4 maps... and 4 load.ini, there was not anymore free texture slots enough to keep all Iwo related textures (5, IwoLand, IwoBeach and 3 airfields) ... only for two of them... so I tried first to keep IwoBeach (for all Iwo land) and 1 airfield (main one Iwo03.tga)... but for periodicity texture reason, this airfied was disturbed and I removed it... I'm working on this periodicity texture problem and I will release a version where maps are moved a little to keep their original periodicity texture... so I will be able to reintroduce Iwo03 airfield

2/ of course, I thought also to create at least one PCPplate airfield to replace missing ones... but for unknown reason (for me) I had a problem with Act tool when merging objects of 4 maps : each time I tried to add Iwo outbuildings (... except houses and Suribachi !) to previously merged 3 others, it leaded to a bad actors.static of 6k... when merging with only Iwo houses and Suribachi leaded to a valid actors.static of 3685k... maybe of problem of memory....

as I can't open the map in unlocked FMB (even with empty actors.static, too heavy load...), I can't create one airfield on Iwo as a final touch by this way :roll:

BTW, I had to search for Suribachi... when you extract original actors.static, there is nothing about Suribachi in outBuildings... but an extra line for runway point in outChiefRoads !!!!????
To get it back on my map, I had to add a line manually in inBuildings using references found in static.ini...

Delvpier - it might be better to make two versions of the map - one with Kyushu and Okinawa, and one with Kyushu/Iwo/Chi Chi Jima/Marianas. There would be two reasons for this - firstly historically I believe there was little crossover between the Okinawa-based squadrons and the Marianas/Iwo-based squadrons - they were seperate air forces with seperate operations. Secondly, you might have a few extra textures to play with for each map. I suppose you could create a "parent" map with them all on, and then two "child maps" - one for the Okinawa attack route, and one for the Iwo/Marianas attack route. Of course, these are only suggestions, as it is your work and your decision.

vampire_pilot - yes I've got the OJ, map. I think it would be a good place to start.....

Phil, I went thru the same thought process earlier in this thread (or the other B-29 Alley thread).

The issue with Delvpier doing the extra work and producing an OJ map is that you would still be left with the original Oleg textures and topography. Having flown over the FF wip OJK map, it's a light year ahead of the original in appearance. It actually LOOKS like Japan, as opposed to a generic Oleg-land.

The future obviously lies with working up the new OJK map and making it ready for proper use. Dixie Captain (?) is doing an AMAZING job on the Korean scenery!

Mandrill7 - yeah, you're right. I'm not sure if Dixiecapt is still working on his map. Even so I'd still need a map with Iwo on.

This might be the sort of thing I'll do as a background project, and release with the campaign. It's certainly not something I'm going to tackle imminently.....

Map requests:

- A good map so you can do a long B-17 or B-24 Campaign over Europe
- A Northwest Pacific map (Okinawa, Iwo Jima, Marianas, Kyushu, Honshu, Shikoku, Hokkaido)
- A map of the whole Southeast Asia (Indochina, south China, Burma, Singapore, India)

My mouth starts drooling Confusedhock: when I think of me logging into AAA, looking at the map section, and seeing that somebody has made a gigantic world map of EVERYTHING, took them years to do it. I tell you: IF SOMEONE DID THAT, I WOULD GIVE THEM A BILLION DOLLARS (if I have any in a million years :lol: )

Feindflug Wrote:First of all i want to thank all of the guys who are involved in this great Modding project.
Im enjoying this mod very much !!

However, there is still place for more mod maps i think.
New Maps always brings new ideas of Missions etc...

What you think about some Map requests ?

-Vietnam/Laos/Cambodia Map
-Korea Map ( its in WIP from what i see...)
-Central Europe Map (Germany/Belgium/Netherland/France/Swizz)
-Caucasus Map (Sotchi/Grozny/Baku Area)
-Middle East Map (Turkey/Palestine/Jordania/Syria/Iraq/Iran/Saudi Arabia)
-Spain Map/SCW (WIP ?!)

Happy new year everybody!!!!!!!!!

Well I got some requests too.....

some big big ETO Map....Four seasons...for the Mighty Eight...

..and some big Burma/China Maps...For the FLYING TIGERS..........

...What do u think?????

-Poland Map
-East Prussia Map


Middle east map is in the works and nearing completion.


My map request is: Finished maps.
I've seen so many WIP maps which never ever come to a completed state. Cry

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