Need a step by step help to Create a ne Map please !

Hi every all,Iwood like too Build a new Map of South-West Germany (from Kaiserslautern too Bamberg and Frankfurt aMain to the furter of the ALP

HA! You'll be lucky! AAA encourages people to work these things out for themselves, i'm afraid. Modding, map making. Look on the net, doubtless there's map making tutorials, but withmodding etc, you're expected to work stuff out for yourself.

I'm sure Fly_zo can give the relevant answers as to why -- he's a modder and map maker, i'm not.

Annoying the annoying, so you don't have to.
[Image: 29p95pf.gif]

OOh, exciting news for you!

Fly zo on why the informatation was guarded:

fly_zo Wrote:
american Wrote:He has a good point. See but what about ppl like me. I like doing 3D and stuff and i want to help more by learning how to Edit these java class files. (In fact i started taking some scripting classes but i dropped them) (can u add a working tail hook with out the FM edit?)

i do understand you m8, and i know how you feel ... it's just i'm tired of wrong perception that modders have some kind of obligation to teach others . Fact is ... teaching depends on modders free will , just like with making mods . There is also some language barrier so some modders can't help even when they like to .... And lastly , we did burn our fingers by teaching some people which turned out have no integrity and self moderation ...

Just like with everything in life , if you're determined and patient enough you'll get what you're asking .


And, better for you, AAA's having a policy rethink:

RAF_Magpie Wrote:Righto, here we go.

With 2009 there is a slight change in our policy towards assistance and free talk on the boards. We will now allow open discussion of 3D work, be it heir.him editing, or general 3DS Max assistance. This, coupled with importer assistance, should provide a pretty solid base of information to potential aircraft (or other object) builders. Coupled with the existing IL2 Modeling database (located at the top of this thread) should be ample to build most of what is needed for an aircraft. If someone wants to make a tutorial for these factors, then fine, they can submit it through official channels for approval, and upload.

This means that, 3D work, Map making, modeling new 3D objects, and getting them imported, will be the standard, and allowed talk. However...

ALL Java assistance, work, talk is still forbidden. Advanced code talk is still forbidden. Like it or not, we are not going to allow that to be free knowledge, this is to protect the sim the little we can. Take it or lump it. The adjustment in administrative policy will allow a much more wider assistance base to be had, but we will NOT change the position on these more dangerous lines of work. The only way this knowledge will be learned, will be the same as it always has been. Either some modder or team will take you under their belt and teach you, or, you can learn yourself, the hard way, the same as most modders.

So my advice to you is to find a mapper and ask very nicely for his help and advice!

Annoying the annoying, so you don't have to.
[Image: 29p95pf.gif]

Thx for your Answer,no i have some a first good Information for my fisrt kaimo

Cattermole is not entirely correct. There has always been an open exchange of information on map making. Much of this is in the various threads.

You need to read these:


and highly recommended -- Clockwatchers MicroDem Tutorial

(The link is inoperative)

First steps are to create a map_c and map_h. This is covered in the last link.

We have lots of tutorials about mapmodding. And community will give you answers and help. Modding is fun, but learning things takes time. Look at here:
It covers my struggling thru the learning process.

yup, map modding contain no java codding so it is and always have been free to discuss ... so P/O W. 'Moggy' Cattermole do check your data before getting involved :wink:

anyway , i'm moving this thread to proper forum section

do make sure this gets respected though :

(The link is inoperative)

(The link is inoperative)

p.s. good luck with your project

fly_zo Wrote:yup, map modding contain no java codding so it is and always have been free to discuss ... so P/O W. 'Moggy' Cattermole do check your data before getting involved :wink:

hehe, i was giving the information that I was led to believe on this site. Not that i looked that hard -- can't mod for toffee, but from posts that i've read, that was the impression i was given. Big Grin

Annoying the annoying, so you don't have to.
[Image: 29p95pf.gif]

P/O W. 'Moggy' Cattermole Wrote:
fly_zo Wrote:yup, map modding contain no java codding so it is and always have been free to discuss ... so P/O W. 'Moggy' Cattermole do check your data before getting involved :wink:

hehe, i was giving the information that I was led to believe on this site. Not that i looked that hard -- can't mod for toffee, but from posts that i've read, that was the impression i was given. Big Grin

i have impression that you didn't look at all ,m8 :wink:

but i'm sure that you will make an effort for the future and actually read something before giving any advice to others .... reading all forum stickies would be a nice start . No knowledge required , just reading :wink:


Jupp thx verry much to you guys ! I will start my work and send you an imige when there

fly_zo Wrote:i have impression that you didn't look at all ,m8 :wink:

Confusedhock: Who told you!?

I read some of the stickies. Big Grin

Admittedly, not the modding ones, since i am one of those people designed by god to accept with wonder that people can create these sorts of things, but will never be able to actually create one myself. I tip my hat to you chaps. But that's besides the point.
Like I said, i was telling the impression i was given. Yes, i didn't read the modding stickies, but it seems that with some of the questions popped on here, that neither did many of the budding modders either.

Annoying the annoying, so you don't have to.
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