I was thinking, would it be cool for a mod that has AI planes check there rudders and ailerons before takeoff? add a bit more realism.
It would actzually be nice to put in some action in the Minute the AI takes after misson start to actually take off...they start their engines, and sit around doing nothing...
there is a mod for aircraft carriers where they pull foward, unfold wings, then take off, why not this?
seems very similar.
another great idea!
how about people on ships? not the aa guys...
like 2 dudes on a carrier look like their talking, or like the bat man. (guy who waves that thingy so ya don't crash). we could borrow it from the infantry mod.
Though you see flaps in the sim, and your own control surfaces you do NOT see other aircrafts control surfaces moving (rudder aileron elevator).....If I recall correctly that is due to trying to conserve resources in the sim.
So though they might make it happen, you'd not see it. If they made it so you could see it, hard to say what affect it might have on playability.
looked like your in trouble! lol
but hey we can dream on what mods can happen.
Like a sub mod! just kidding we could never do that! or could we?
Absolutely 'do' see all control surfaces moving on AI aircraft in flight.. was on the tail of one of those nasty sons of Nippon over Darwin yesterday, watching him jink left and right, working those ailerons and rudder/elevator control surfaces for all he was worth.. I was so impressed I gave him a right royal fiery funaral coffin to go home in.. haha!!... (then his wingman perforated my lovely engine.. :mrgreen: )
Hmmm....then maybe it was "other" live pilots you didn't see. However, if you see AI doing it then I'd think it would not be that much of a hit to framerates unless it's the net which was the choke point.....The internet of 5 years past though not the internet of today.
Maybe if they look into this they'll find the pilot head turn option at the same time.
Now that makes much more sense. I don't fly online so...
If the AI is cracked I can think of a few issues to adress before take off routines though : the 'vertical escape' syndrome, the kill stealing habits they have, the 'perfect trim cheat' effect or the 'queue up' problem when there is only one ennemy left for 20 friendlies...