New Objects

I see....I see my frame rate dropping substantially... :wink:
But, hey, if it can be done, I probably should... Big Grin 8) Big Grin

some buildings, russian, and new barrier

[Image: atowkw7.jpg]


Very Great Work! Confusedhock:
Download link???

Thank you!


Dear Madtoc have you same desert buildings in your archives? I think that desert theatres have unrealistic villages and towns, only one Mosque and nothing more also the majoity of vehicles hare sketched and unsuitable so...
Thanks a lot in any case for your contribution.

stanislao, I know it's a long way off but once my Channel map is done and I resume work on my MTO map I'm going to make a full set of desert buildings.

Great, dear canonuk forgive my impatience, but I also have I nice little baby and I now how mutch the live of a man can change, no more time for himself.. I thought that your previous project should be shelved for long long time.
All my gratitude in any case.

stanislao Wrote:Dear Madtoc have you same desert buildings in your archives? I think that desert theatres have unrealistic villages and towns, only one Mosque and nothing more also the majoity of vehicles hare sketched and unsuitable so...
Thanks a lot in any case for your contribution.

Hi Stanislao
for desert buildings ..this is in project,but not in quick futur.
and i think it will be a supplementary at the very good work of Canonuk.

best regards 8)


You've got a very nice barrel in ToW_barril_metal. I was wondering if there is some way you could lay one on its side? We could then use them as discarded barrels or raise them and put them in a truck or wagon for disposal.

If this could be done could you then tip one over to about a 30 or 40 degree angle so it looks like guys are rolling them into position?

Great stuff Madtoc, I await the next batch of objects patiently.

Great days all.

Plantoid 1 Wrote:Madtoc:

You've got a very nice barrel in ToW_barril_metal. I was wondering if there is some way you could lay one on its side? We could then use them as discarded barrels or raise them and put them in a truck or wagon for disposal.

If this could be done could you then tip one over to about a 30 or 40 degree angle so it looks like guys are rolling them into position?

Great stuff Madtoc, I await the next batch of objects patiently.

Great days all.

Set it as a destroyed object and it will lay over on it's side. I'm adding them to my airfields this way.

I think that its not possible use direct vehicles in IL2.
Have advanced MSH format which IL2 dont know. And have more better quality.

Very nice addition the Russian village objects, we could just replace the old ones on maps like Kursk, Moskow etc Big Grin


Thanks for the tip.

They look great and by raising them 0.5 meters I now stack them two rows high.

Great days all.

Madtoc...please - any update? :lol:

I'm checking this thread like every couple of hours :oops: :lol:

Hi ,
the second pack is in progress, but slowly.
some 3d objects give me a problems,but i'm on the way.

best regards 8)

I'm having some trouble installing this Cry

Firstly, I don't have the folder structure (3do/Buildings) given in the readme, in my STD folder. I should add that my mod installation is Pre UI installer. I'm using other Objects mods (LAL_Rhone's Hangars, Canon's Channel objects) quite successfully, and these mods have their own 3do/Buildings folder in which the various objects folders reside.

I installed as per your instructions, but couldn't see or place any objects in FMB, although the new obects are in the drop-down listing.

Tried creating a new 3do/Buildings folder structure in the ToW folder, and moving all the objects folders into that - still the same problem - no new objects showing in the FMB object window, and unable to place any new objects on the map Cry

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Sad

Hawkers Big Grin

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