Lol, that's dangerous, take care :lol:
For steps 6 to 9 in lesson 2 you can do a bit more fun exercise: place a village texture and place some crop field around, place some houses on the village texture, place the treeline (you find it in furniture) here and there in the village. Place a town texture and near the industry texture. Place some town houses and some industry buildings and again some treeline on these textures. Create road between town and village. Create a little mountain somewhere and place mountain textures on it...add forest around the mountain, each 4 forest "insert' save it such that when game crashes you have some forest saved...
For the treeline to be visible you need to have forest=2 in conf.ini
lowfighter - thanks, I will plan on posting some progress screenshots for Stalingrad.
I've got some family in town so may not be until this weekend...
Sorry guys...been slammed with real life stuff!
Just wanted to send a note to lowfighter that I'll be working on this soon. Also trying to finish creating a campaign for Slovakia map.
Stalingrad will soon be top priority.
CUJO, no hurry :wink:
I think I'll post next lesson in a couple of days...
OK, this is officially WIP now. Please stay tuned.
If it is OK, I will ask questions and post screenshot updates in this thread. Sorry for the delay.
lowfighter, I finally got around to reading your lessons and am about to experiment.
Can I trouble you for the "next lesson"? Also the lesson re splitting the actors.static?
I use date stamping in file names a lot to keep track of different versions.
You just have to change the file reference in the load.ini to use the correct version.
actors_master03-02.static ---- this is the complete actors file created 3rd February.
actors_small.static ---- actors with buildings removed
map_h27-01.tga ---- map_h created 27th Jan
You can use any naming system that suits you.