[MOD]Bender's GUN FIRE V2 (DAY@NIGHT!!) 3 types LINK UP

I just tried them out...and I Love it!!! Yummy goodness once again from Bender. Keep up the superb work, thank you.



For my taste they are too much large, but as you said, its intending to be old school movie's style.
I think they are too much noticeable each frame from the other, and the game runs them too much slow, and they are synchronized (i guess that its a game limit) and that ruins the effect of a effects necessarily chaotic.
i like the effort in following the progression of each flash in their different phases
- but for me its so much visible that looks like a solid thing more than a firework effects. I like the first 25% of the bitmaps with the sparks ,but the part in with the gas explosion fade out doesn't work really.
I'm sorry for the criticism because i see lots of work here :oops:

Bender, Sir!

You are such an artist...I adore your outstanding work, the I-16 pit (mostly 109 here) and everything.
Thank you, and all other modders so much for making this sim a "state of art" (7 years old!)
Time to make a donation!!! Keep up the great work!

from the Stab of the JG52

btw: I am totally stressed out with all those mods ; )

Excellent stuff M8, Cheers.

Jotaele ...try LESS version =) or maybe somebody make a LOW version ..it will be good for system. Foe example ..i run it with 60fps.

filmit ... они идентичны просто одни немного более прозрачны =)

chas1963 .... go Bender!

Big thanks for a good words :wink:

Is the trailing smoke also part of the gunflare effects?

If instaling this mod should we deactivate other mods?

Thank you

This MOD looks great, but I get tonnes of stutter when the first time I fire up the guns on a mission. Is this normal? Is there a fix?

this mod is nice but its FPS killer when I fire. I think its because textures have 3 MB each. default has around 65kb

Woooooww!!! Bender, this is REALLY cool. A nice touch of realism!
If I can be critic a little bit, I just find those flares are slightly too large. But that's not a real problem, since anyone can open those "GunFlare.eff" files with notepad and reduce the blast radius (like I did, eheh). Smile
Apart from that, your new textures are simply amazing! This is gotta be my default gunfire mod from now on... Wink
Thanks Bender! I really appreciate your work!

Gadget ...smoketrails is another mod ...you can take it in WIP-BETA-MODS DOWNLOAD ...
-Yes you must deactivate other fire mods.

**FPS killer** Yeah i know...but my machine take it without any problem .. I make a light wersion soon

Tsb47... light version comming soon

paolos85 ..send me a files i'll try it

Hm i Like your first version

but these are much toooooo large

One of the best achivements of PF was the smaller muzzle flashes

Steel Wrote:Hm i Like your first version

but these are much toooooo large

One of the best achivements of PF was the smaller muzzle flashes

And that wasn't historical.

Large is. Wink

Gonna try this mod now...

In some interview a finnish 109 Pilot says that their was no fire at all during flying

from his MG 131 13mm guns he only see smoke, no fire

My grandfather was based on a german Airbase at the channel during the first half of WW2, later he was an MG42 gunner on the easter front

He saw the Il2 game and said non of the guns he had seen firing, including MG 17, MG 42, and 20mm AAA had such large muzzle flashes

But I also know the original footage of Il2

Everybody love his own IL-2 Big Grin

And its great that we users can decide !!!

I remeber the large discussions in the original Il2 forum about size of muzzleflashes. Both sites did good argumentation and historical facts....I love smaller gun fire, but it seems the both sides are right, sometims they large, sometimes small Wink

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