[MOD]Bender's GUN FIRE V2 (DAY@NIGHT!!) 3 types LINK UP

Yes, the original IL2 muzzle flash in no was is accurate. Looks cartoonish to me. Smile

This changes that.

Muzzle flashes should vary from gun to gun IMHO. Luckely we have an option to choose as you say.

I hope they release an low res version. I'm having no problem, but some are.

i love this mod!!

thanks for getting rid of the stretched circles for mk108s, now in 1ply i never fly during the day, i also modded the 75mm cannon so if anyone would like to see and or test what i did, plz tell me how to get the rar files up somewhere, i cannot get any photos as there is an issue wth PrtSc on vista 64bit but i think it looks better as flashes larger at night, like real big guns, and day is a bit bigger too, afterall, since when is a 25mm AAA make bigger flashes then a 75mm PAK gun?

i really like this mod, no more being blinded by fire nor unrealistic crap
here is instructions for 75mm mod by me:
1. create folder named "75mm" in both gunfire and gunfireday
2. paste all files from 30mm folder into each,
3. delete all text from "gunfire" and paste: (this one is for night)

ClassName TParticlesSystemParams
MatName ../TEXTURES/GunFlare.mat
Color0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5
Color1 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
nParticles 16
FinishTime 0.3
MaxR 0.0
PhiN 4.0
PsiN 4.0
LiveTime 0.13
EmitFrq 128.0
EmitVelocity 15.0 20.0
EmitTheta 0.0 3.0
GasResist 0.0
VertAccel 0.0
Wind 0.0
Size 30.0 10.0
Rnd 0.5

4. do same for day 75mm folder and paste: (for day)

ClassName TParticlesSystemParams
MatName ../TEXTURES/GunFlare.mat
Color0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5
Color1 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
nParticles 16
FinishTime 0.3
MaxR 0.0
PhiN 4.0
PsiN 4.0
LiveTime 0.13
EmitFrq 128.0
EmitVelocity 15.0 20.0
EmitTheta 0.0 3.0
GasResist 0.0
VertAccel 0.0
Wind 0.0
Size 15.0 5.0
Rnd 0.5

you are done, if any issues or suggestions plz tell me and or experiment yourself with these values. do not modify finish time as will make unreal settings. it is the 1st thing i released on AAA so if ya like it maybee bender will add this to the actual mod.

another small question, would it be possible to add a huge puff of blackish smoke from the 75mm as such a big gun had to create a bit of smoke?

...good point! maybe you are simply too fast to developa propper flash and it only leaves the soot on the wing :wink:

ok bender as you said i tried my own vs with a reduced size, and i want to show you what i meant, here its the result of using a smaller mesh, and its more involvement for my tastes.

here is with the gun smoke mod by Maven

[img] By jotaelenares at 2009-03-01

this is with Weapon smoke effect and bullet shells by HG&P

[img] By jotaelenares at 2009-03-01

I like the way its blends with the smoke.I'm planning on touching the alpha channels a bit and test the fps velocity, doing more flames.
[/img] By jotaelenares at 2009-03-01
In that way i think the mods becomes better(of course its not my archivement, i only made the easy part Tongue),but for me ,its like the difference from the Miami vice's UZIs to the real guns.
I hope to have more time next week so i can experiment mixing it with other effects, because now there are a lot of parameters that i only can guess how they work, and this is very interesting.
I would like to blend some of the frames with each others so there are no necesari su high FPS for the effects to run smoothly.
It would be great to find a way to synchronize the guns...or do the emisor rotate over its z axis in a random way. Or havind different sprites for each caliber.7mm 12 etc, i like the Fly! sprites for smaller guns.And there are a lot of good stuff in internet for doing different mods, i would try some day my own... i hope.
BTW, actually the muzzle flashes its a better captured by camera than for the human eyes, and in cinema are often used special shells and ISO.So none of those mods are really "realistic", but fun.
I like the idea from pz1b of using this mods for others guns, it could fits perfects in other kinds of guns.

S! :o

i have just seen that, in the Weapon smoke effect and bullet shells by HG&P
post , there are a video as reference were you can see well traces size, smoke, shells , and muzzleflashes in a P 47 on land.
the shot its at 8:40 (The link is inoperative)

Jotaele .. You make it good . I ws thinking too about different muzzelflashes to every calibre

Bender_AS Wrote:Gadget ...smoketrails is another mod ...you can take it in WIP-BETA-MODS DOWNLOAD ...
-Yes you must deactivate other fire mods.

Thank you.

I think this mod is a great addition to IL-2 vissual inmmersion.

Please keep on trying

Hi bender very nice mod mate but the link is bad i can not find where is the button download on the link , What can i do please ?

the filefront links are dead

Filefront delete this mod . But a Have part of this mod now - Link up mates :wink:

Thank you so much....

Thanks Man that is SWEET!

Thanks Bender! I will try that. I'm from Kaliningrad too. :wink:

oh wow.... dunno what to say except.... oh wow

r4xm .... REALLY Confusedhock: Fantastic Meeting :wink: Thank you all mates ..use it for your plesure :wink:

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