
- Wipe off your filthy screen so you don't confuse specks of grime with distant enemies. Tongue

"Dammit, I've been following this speck for over an hour! $#%& "

That's happened to me quite a few times :lol: XD

:lol: well said that man!

I know, right?
However, it is too late for me, peeps...
The Grime of the Ages has now taken residence on my monitor! Confusedhock: :o Big Grin Sad Cry

~ Strangelove

Dr. Strangelove, your sig has me ROTFLMAO!
Thank you.

Familiar feeling...

right, many times i've chased a speck on the screen for miles thinking it was an enemy fighter trying to slip around behind me... lol! dumb? yeah. but there ya go.


0uttaTime Wrote:- Wipe off your filthy screen so you don't confuse specks of grime with distant enemies. Tongue

"Dammit, I've been following this speck for over an hour! $#%& "

Happened to me a lot of times, it has also been a cause of me getting shot down, because i would think that the small speck is grime instead of an approaching Zero fighter! :lol:

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