DCG Location Config

Hey, smart peeps!

I've been having some issues with my DCG pilot profile... My "hometown" is in this format:

(ex) Kiel_ Germany

Rather, I would like it to be more orthodox, like the bots:

(ex) Potsdam, Germany

Etc... I did go into the conf.dat file, and change my location that way, however, the changes do not appear. Which file controls these kind of settings if not the conf.dat?

So it's only a minor issue, but annoying nevertheless.

BTW, would it also be possible to change the realism settings even after the campaign has started/generated?

~ Strangelove

i'm not very smart...lol...but as far as i know, IL2 controls your pilot name and other information. i've NEVER had to set anything up in DCG to have it know my name or born location. all "that" was done in IL2. i know DCG has some profile information, but to the best of my knowledge it gets it straight from IL2.

i originally set up my name and born location in DGEN, before i started using DCG...and i've never had to change it even after i converted to DCG. so i suspect (rightly or wrongly) that that information is saved in in my game's USER ini somewhere. check in there for the information you seek...and try changing it there and saving.

hope that helps. if it don't work, just change it back no harm no foul.

good luck with it.

Nah, yer a genius, Beowolff!

:oops: Sorry I've confused you a bit, I believe I meant DGEN (You still have the point, though! :wink: )

I tried going into my settings.ini to change it just as you said, but the place of birth is already as I want it! Must be something about DGEN (or is it DCG? Confusedhock: ) that's extremely picky about changing settings once the campaign has been started.

I dunno...

Well, thank you very much for the help, Beo!

well, i am still confused a bit. are you using the stock IL2 DGEN or DCG? anyway...if you're using DCG to replace the stock DGEN, you might try going into your game's MISSIONS/CAMPAIGN/WHATEVER_COUNTRY_YOUR_FLYING_FOR/ (example US) FOLDER and then opening your active campaign folder you find in there...ie example for me would be, DGen_X_NewGuinea42doe11 (since i'm flying a NewGuinea campaign) and then finding the Squadron.Dat file and opening it with notepad...

inside, you'll find something "similar" to this:

PLACE OF BIRTH: Memphis_ Tennessee
PHOTO: DGen\Photo
KILLS: 001
EVENT: 21/07/1942: Joined the squadron.
EVENT: 24/07/1942: Shot down a D3A1 Val.
EVENT: 24/07/1942: Bailed out.

but of course it will be YOUR information in it and different from mine above. you can CHANGE and SAVE the name and place of birth and stuff...even where the photo picture is located there. save and exit, and it might be what you are wanting to do.

hope that's it for you!


That did it!

I would've never known about what that squadron.dat file did without your help, Beowolff! Thank you! Of course, your job would have been much easier had I known what I'm talking about in the first place. :wink:

I'm off to google the difference between "DCG" and "DGEN" for now! :mrgreen:
Thanks again!

~ Strangelove

In DCG you can double click on any pilot's details in the squadron editor and change details like this

[Image: dcgpilotedit.jpg]

^ that's right! lol...forgot about that. but then i was never really sure if he had DCG or the stock DGEN. :lol: got confused myself...but glad he got it working okay whichever campaign type he's using. those little things like that can be frustrating. i know i've spent many an hour trying to figure out similar deals.

Big Grin

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