Austrian fraction

Can someone make a mode witch add Austria as a new Countrie of the axis to the game??
I would be really happy about that. but you also can create a totourial for it, so that i can make it on my own.


Austria united with Germany on March 12, 1938, so technically Austria was a part of Germany...

so technically Austria was a part of Germany
Alternate history scenarios. A valid and fun concept.

agracier Wrote:so technically Austria was a part of Germany
Alternate history scenarios. A valid and fun concept.

eerh.... what? why did you just repeat the end of my sentence?

P.S. you can edit your signature by clicking on the "profile" tab, you don't have to manually type it in...

Yes I know. I'm from Austria, so i want to have my homecountry in the game.
I would more like to have a totourial, so that i can make more new fractions.


Ooops..... I just noticed that i put the topic into the wrong dection srry.

3dwa21 :oops: :oops:

why did you just repeat the end of my sentence?

So that you can see what I was answering. Sometimes answers follow each other up rapidly and without part of the previous post which you are answering, confusion can happen.

Anyway, I meant to say in answer to your remark that technically Austria was a part of Greater Germany, yes indeed that was so - but it is fun to create alternate history scenarios. And an independent Austria might just be an interesting concept. It would certainly give scope for some colorful skins, even though the Austrian airforce wasn't reconstituted till several years before the Anschluss.

"Yes I know. I'm from Austria, so i want to have my homecountry in the game. "

Umm you do, Its called the German Reich! I must say I never much understood the whole Austrian German differance and why they try to highlight a differance that isnt really there. The only reason they were split after the war was to be sure that they wouldnt be an overpowering economic or military power again. Divide and conquer as they say.

3dwa21 Wrote:Yes I know. I'm from Austria, so i want to have my homecountry in the game.
I would more like to have a totourial, so that i can make more new fractions.


But Austria is already added, just take a look at zipzapp's (superb) Alpenmap:

And if you plan to create your own map, in this forum section you will find all the info you need by reading the stickies and by browsing the previous pages. But AFAIK there ain't no tutorial which will take you by the hand and tell you step by step how to mapmod.

why they try to highlight a differance
Of course there is a difference between Austria and Germany.

In Europe, any reason (valid or silly) to celebrate a difference between yourselves and a neighbor, no matter how distant or how near, no matter if a region within your own country or a neighboring country, it will always be a factor in European thinking and how people experience themselves and relate to others.

Even if by some odd happenstance, Europe would fragment into a series of umpteen independent city-states, you can be assured that within each of those small city-states, there would be neighborhoods thinking themselves underprivileged in regards to other neighborhoods or else elevated in status.

That is the history of Europe - like it or not.

@Freiwillige: In a world in which large scale differences (like clothing, behaviour, etc) more and more gets the same on entire continents the people need symbols of a small scale difference and local identities, whether it is the football team you support, the knowledge of a local dialect or language, etc. People tend to think - or rather feel - in smaller scales, a concept like "Europe" is logically understood, but emotionally problematic.

BTW, don't you have something like that in the US as well? If I see the flag of the confederation in the southern states of the US - isn't that as well an anachronism?

... moved to proper forum section ,

please guys watch that this doesn't become too much political discussion....

thank you


3dwa21 Wrote:Can someone make a mode witch add Austria as a new Countrie of the axis to the game??
I would be really happy about that. but you also can create a totourial for it, so that i can make it on my own.

You can try to ask Gaston if he will add Austria to the next version of his nations and squadrons mod. You can find it here:


What about Austria trying to defend himself of the Anschluss? Or maybe a border war against Hungary during mid 30's? or, what about skirmished against Italy? or...
Yes please contact Gaston, I'm sure he will be happy to add Austria in the game

Was pre-Anschluss Austria even allowed to have an air force?

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