'Cache' Folder

I've found a number of randomly named missions files in .mis format in a folder ... Missions/Net/cache.

I tried opening these missions in the FMB but nothing happened.

So, I'm wondering what they are, what their purpose is, if any. Not that they are causing any problems, but I would like to know what they are there for anyway. I guess I can't help being curious.

You can do nothing whit it mate, its are just missions that you game needs to DL when you play online (in code).... delete your cache folder .. you can do nothing whit it.

Sry for grabbing that old dusty thread, but i would like to know if there is a tool out there that makes those cache mission editable in FMB again.
Like Misison Saver from 2002...which isnt working anymore on Il21946

When IL2 was released, all the user made missions you joined online were stored there so you could fly them later and it was a real boon to online play.

Then the guys who wanted to sell mission packs got to someone and the missions that go into the cache folder were encoded so no one could use them.

In the early days of IL2 online play, many very good, free user made missions could be had from the cache folder, now you must find them online at Flying Legends or M4T or similar sites.

There is no lack of great, free missions for this game, we just cannot get them from the net/cache folder anymore.

sad to hear

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