
mabey we can make some real world maps... like this century. like the San Francisco bay area or or just anywhere!

try FSX.. you can fly around the 'real' world as much as you like mate..

yeah... not to dampen your enthusism, but trooper's right. FSX or even older versions of Microsoft Flight Sim is perfect for real world and modern day flying. i have a copy of MSFS 2004 Century of Flight and i still love on occasion flying all over the world in an old DC3 or a more modern Jet airliner or even hopping from place to place in a Piper Cub or similar plane.

i know it is always a common urge to do things like what you mentioned, but in all reality, this sim just wasn't made for it. it was designed and intended strictly as a one hundred percent combat sim...specifically WW2 era...though a total remake of it to make it WW1 or Korean War would work just fine too (same general prop type era's.)

the people that love this sim, and have loved it since it's introduction are specifically inclined to fly it just that way... sure, creation of more modern maps (and planes) are possible... but i promise you, they'd seldom if EVER be flown or used by the main-stream IL2 flyers except out of the occasional curiousity or special purpose event.

now of course mappers/modders/new aircraft makers are free to do what they wish with their own time and effort... however, the creation of new maps and planes are lenghty and hard to do... seems to me (and a lot of other folks too) that all that effort would serve the community better producing things that EVERYBODY that loves IL2 would enjoy and use... over effort that maybe one or two people might like and enjoy...and perhaps occasionally use.

makes sense?

moved to proper forum section ....

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