Constructive Criticism of UI 1.1

Ok, one small note about the UI.

You ought to include, in the docs folder, the readme file for all the mods included in the UI.

On two seperate occasions, once with the Hudconfig v. 1 mod and once with the Gyro Recticles, I've had to hunt down the readme on this website to figure out how to make them work.

I wouldn't think it would have been that big a deal to include them in your _Docs mod folder, correctly named for the mod they go with.

Sorry if it seems like whining, but I'm wondering how many of the mods that got installed with UI 1.1 that I'm not taking advantage of because I don't know they aren't already enabled and don't know how to find the information to utelize them.

Thank you very much for the UI 1.1, however I agree to a listing of the mods in the package. Also, I noticed that neither ship packs 1 or 2 were included in the UI. At least in my install.

Thanks again for the UI, much easier to install when all mods are on one package.

Ship packs were not included because they are not finalized mods. All mods in the UI are non-beta and approved by AAA official downloads.

Ohhh really??
For what i have seen some of them accually where/are still in the WIP Beta section.
Like moving dogfight..

guys, remember that online aspect of the game is main interest and criteria for including mods in AAA UI's .... so if it isn't "useful" for servers certain mod won't get included .

AAA UI is not "best mods" contest ... just a starter pack


I see. Thanks for the clarification.

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