stock map_c.tga and sfs

Hi all,

Is it possible to extract a map_c.tga from a stock map using sfs extractor and if so could somebody please give me a complete idiots guide on how to do it, ive been delving into the tricky world of map building and after having some success with my own maps would like to add some reefs to some stock maps. TIA Ziggy

It's possible to extract map_C from stock maps by using the SFS- Extractor tool

After extracting you need the 'compose' tool (CMapv3 ) to re- create map_C

This will only work when you have java installed on your pc.

A tutorial for map making can be found here: (The link is inoperative).

Good luck! 8)

Thanks for trying to help me mate but i've already made several of my own custom maps so i dont need a beginners tutorial on map building or the compose tool. I just want to know how to use the sfs extractor to extract a map_c from stock maps, do i just open sfs, go to file, open.... then what? This is where i,m getting stuck and need some help.....Please

Use the sfs extractor to open whichever .sfs file.
Select one or as many as you like of the files shown in the results
Click on Extract and point to where you want them extracted to.
The problem is that only a few of the files are named - the rest have a collection of numbers and letters instead. Finding the map_c that you want can be very time-consuming and frustrating.


Thanks Dunkelgrun, thats where i was going wrong, i found the strings of numbers and had my suspicions that i might have to go through them but was hoping that wasn't the case, oh well looks like more work then. Thanks again Ziggy

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