I wouldn't say it was crap... I think that whatever you think you know about the stock P-51 FM... can be changed... at least initially with a modification in how you fly...
Yeah, I know I exaggerated... But hey, the FM still could use some help...
Yeah, yeah, I know. My point is that it has been proven many times that the CG is off on the 51D. It is just really annoying for many of the FM's in this game to be skewed one way or the other due to the flux in data available one way or another in comparison to data readily available on numerous aircraft. I just hope that sooner or later, all the bumpy spots in this game can be worked out.
Note that the BF 109 can out turn at the 51 at low altitudes and at low speeds. Although at high alt;'s and high speeds the p-51 can out turn the 109 (But not even by a significant amount). And i think people are starting to think that 150 MPH is fast.
Yeah I know. What do you mean 150 ain't fast? JK, anything under 350 feels slow to me and I knew that about the 109. The 51 is just enough off to unceasingly bug me.
I consider any thign under 500 KMPH slow. In a 51 my rule is never go under 300.
i constantly hear people whine about the p-51 and historically speaking this was a great fighter. But what people forget about il2 is the game doesnt support fuel tank switching which was an important part of flying one of these warbirds. I have a spitfire MkXIV pilots handbook which states when and where to switch to what fuel tank during flight. I am not an expert on Fm nor can i fly for real but people have mentioned that the P-51 used fuel from the wings first, then drained from the fusealarge. This probably explaines the poor handling. For now till some great modder fixes this i would suggest you fly her similar to a FW190. She has great dive speed and is very fast at alt.
Really American, the turn speed on the 51 is around 250mph. That is if you can get it to go that tight in a dogfight.
i knew it was something like that, button couldnt remeber which way! lol. Just for the record i am getting quite a taste for the p51 recently, you just have to be gentle . oh and btw that nasty spin was used during the war for evasion tactics..
Hehe. Check it out!
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