WIP - New Maps in the Works

But till sofar nobody worked on or succeeded in creating a waterfall mod.

And I'm also very interested in your Gibraltar map! 8)[/quote]

If you do the river height thing the wrong way, you have nothing but waterfalls all along the river ... waterfalls going up and downhill and every which way ... not what you want to have obviously, but I suspect that a solution for a waterfall might lie in just that troublesome aspect of putting in rivers.

It wouldn't be a mod as such that you can install, but it would perhaps be something specific to a map, in which one deliberately makes a mistake in setting terrain height so that you can simulate a waterfall.

that's great, agracier. i'll be sure to watch this thread, as its a learning curve for me, too.
Most of what i know re: map-making, i've picked up on thiese forums, so i'm always keen to hear about progress/problems, etc from guys that are further up the line.
8) :lol:

I'm glad you sorted it all out, I got the impression you were finding
my tutorial too confusing. When I look at it now it does seem over
long & complicated but I can't think of a way of shortening it & still
making it understandable to a complete novice, especially if they
don't know how to use Gimp.

kevinp Wrote:I'm glad you sorted it all out, I got the impression you were finding
my tutorial too confusing. When I look at it now it does seem over
long & complicated but I can't think of a way of shortening it & still
making it understandable to a complete novice, especially if they
don't know how to use Gimp.

It did sometimes feel like old times when opening a new textbook at school and wondering however in the world one was supposed to learn it all ... ha ha

But in this case I was motivated to learn it because i wanted to, not because of outside pressure ...

Anyway it is a very good tutorial. I'd been trying to figure out map making for quite some time, but never made any progress until your tutorial came along. Then it all sort of came together. It's not really complicated at all, but you do have to read everything carefully though. The devil is in the details as they say. For instance I kept floundering around on the size requirements of the maps until my wife pointed out a repeating mistake i kept making in my calculations ...

I am certain that over time as more members tackle map-making, they will find it is not all that difficult, but without a really good basic guide, they will get nowhere. There are going to be a spate of new maps coming out I predict, and kevins tutorial is to thank for it ... you have no idea how satisfying it was to see a first attempt at map making load up on screen ....thanks for the effort you invested in your tutorial.

Thanks Agracier for the awsome maps youre making!

Very best of lucks! And take it easy dont let anyone put pressure on you, the map building buisness is tough.

For the Chaco War map were going to need some new planes: the Breguet XIX, Wibault 73 C.1, Vickers

Loht773 Wrote:P.S: Did you knew the Luftwaffe first operated in Bolivia?

Yes, they had a huge mailing enterprise called Condor and they used theyre Ju-52 as bombers and for reconnaissance missions, the pilots were all of course germans!

That name sounds familiar ...

Morocco map:

This is a screenie over Morocco by the Straits of Gibraltar. The texture seems to work well. The map_h needs some blurring and the map_f isn't working at all! Can't figure that one out.

I substituted "Italy water" for the default water.

[Image: morocco01.jpg]

I messed around with the map_f a little and made a new one. The colours need to be fine-tuned. As well, I didn't use an alpha channel for the water. So it may have to be re-done based on that. The map loads and works okay, but the water is still a little too dark and the land needs a slight touch of green to look optimum.

mandrill7 Wrote:I messed around with the map_f a little and made a new one. The colours need to be fine-tuned. As well, I didn't use an alpha channel for the water. So it may have to be re-done based on that. The map loads and works okay, but the water is still a little too dark and the land needs a slight touch of green to look optimum.

Please mess around all you want. These maps are just start-ups, nothing more. If anyone wants to do further work on them, please do. They are meant as ideas, suggestions possible candidates for finishing up into usable maps. Since I'm just starting to understand all this map-making, there will be a lot that needs improving.

The land has only one texture on the map, so that naturally needs more variation.

Im really looking forward the Chaco War map, and the Madrid map of course!

If you want I could post some information on the germans secretly operating in Bolivia during 1932 and afterwards. The "mailing comapny" (cough cough...) was called Lloyd A


Is the Morocco map 1:1?

very good and impressive, agracier, I think I recognized a Madrid map in your first post - just because I've seen it before on my screen -. It would be great if you develop a "madrid1937" mapa for SCW. We started it but failed to keep on due to former map development.

by the way, watch bridges, you can only install them at 0 heighth, which is tricky for many maps. There exist a bridge mod which allows you to overcome this issue, but, apparently only trains will cross them.

I have been installing airfields - there will be 7 in all - by importing existing airfields from other maps.

On about 50% of the airfields the following happens: when setting up a test take-off, the aircraft taking off, always start at a position away from the runway. This happens no matter how carefully I place the aircraft for take-off or how i orientate them for take-off. They always start taxiing and taking-off at a distance from the runway, usually at a 90 degree angle.

Now, the planes take off with no problem, they are up and away in the air, but my question is: how does one get them to act like properly trained pilots and take off on runways?

I've searched this section of the forum for a solution but haven't come up with anything helpful.

Could anyone point me in the right direction or give some explanation should they be wiser than I?

I have not imported airfields, yet, but made them from scratch. This helped me a lot - plus trial and error -
it helps, but you need to scout on the several objects involved, moreover the "right" angle for the runway is not anu you want but the ones the game allows to perfectly aline involved objects

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