KTO-Great map but....

I love the map,(KTO) started building a mission right-away,but then I wanted to fly the mission and it would not save it. any ideas? I loaded everything right but I don't have the bump-mod thingy. Thanks agian for all your hard work on the map,I hope I can get it to work with your help.

saving issue is mostly related with not having (installed ...) some objects present on map .

So it could be wrong game version if map have objects from 4.09 and you're running 4.08 or map uses some additional objects which must get installed manually ( mod folder + entry in static.ini)


I'm running 4.09 with UI1.1 and I have almost every mod that is out. anyway to get a list of map objects to go by?

Could be you need the update to 1.1.1 Something is wrong with your 1.1 install. the unified installer has two things needed for the Korea map. The folder of (objectsmap) and the static.ini in the STD folder. They do recommend Flushy's bumpification mod. I do not know if that is the problem or not.

Type in Bumpification Mod in Search.

You'll end up with the download link.

The file is quite large around 75mb I think.

I got bumpified last week end as Flushy says.

Cheers Kirby

got all that ui 1.1 plus patch been running mod's long time now,need dixiecaptian's object list he used in map I'm missing something, something small. thanks guy's.

Got it. 3do file was not in map objects folder like it should have been. To all that posted replys thank for your help. and as always- Keep it Modded to the MAX!

I installed the map even though I am running on UI 1.0 and it doesn't give me any problem whatsoever when flying or saving a game.

So I wonder if it really has anything to do with what version of the UI you are using.


And a big THANKS to dixiecapt and the KTO map team for this great map. I installed it, but I can't save or play missions I created in FMB. The instructions say that UI 1.1 is required, but I am running IL-21946 4.09bm UI 1.0. Could this be the main problem? If it is related to missing objects, where can I get those objects?

Any help would be much appreciated.


mnlk999 Wrote:Got it. 3do file was not in map objects folder like it should have been. To all that posted replys thank for your help. and as always- Keep it Modded to the MAX!

I'm confused. Where EXACTLY does this go?

Guys, Lets stick to the Bug Thread that was recently started, after you have fixed the problems your working on here. It will help others whom have the same issues.

Thanks !!!
Big Grin

mnlk999 Wrote:Got it. 3do file was not in map objects folder like it should have been. To all that posted replys thank for your help. and as always- Keep it Modded to the MAX!

I'm confused. Where EXACTLY does this go?

3do folder goes into >

I have the same problem, can`t play and save mission. I `ve put 3do files in place as you said and nothing. Tried also with flushy`s mod and nothing. I don`t have UI but have many mods which UI has. And i don`t want to download whole UI because i have many of mods which are included in.

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