Crash at 5%

*sighs* So a few days ago, I deleted the wrong file while installing a mod. This caused me to not be able to use some planes. Me being the genius that I am, I ported my Mod, Mission, and User folder, as well as the confi.ini that I was using into an external hard drive and completely dismantled the game on my computer. After reinstalling it, I deleted the Mission and User folder as well as the confi.ini and replaced them with the ones I had put on my external hard drive. Soon thereafter, I booted up the game; no problems were found except I couldn't fly the modded planes. Eventually, I went back to this site and downloaded the 4.08 Mod activator along with the AC installer 3.5. Then I booted up the game again and it self-destructs at 5%.


lol, sounds like me.

You did not back up your files folder also?

Anyway, problem seems to be, your pasted back the same corrupt mods folder that gave you problems in the first place. many things could now be wrong. You basically installed a mod activator over a mod activator. Your files will be a mess. You need to do a fresh install. The only things you need to keep is your conf.ini, and your
users file. consider everything else as damaged goods (but keep your old mods folder handy)

of course, if possible, also keep your missions folder and skins.

then after your have gor IL2 4.08 up and running, install the mod activator, the ac installer 3.6 , and the wrapper.dll . All can be found at the mods download forum here.

Then you must reinstall the mod planes one by one. The only things you can copy and paste over from your old mods folder, are mods that are a simple drag and drop mod, like the flyable bombers, and visual mods, cockpit repaints and the like, but for new AC, you have to put them each back one at a time, either with the installers provided, or manually (which I prefer anyway). Thats the only thing to do, start from scratch. So you learn also to keep a copy of your entire IL2 folder as a "sandpit" for trying out stuff, and to keep on another hard drive, a complete copy of your last stable game.

A good tip when reinstaling mods, is to go find the original download topic, and see for any additional notes, and possible updates!

Best of luck!

Thanks, but it's still not working. It's just fine until I install 4.08 and then it doesn't work...

Wasn't the 5% crash down to the sound settings not set to 44.1kHz?

Try running IL2setup.exe again and set the "Sampling Rate" to 44100Hz, maybe some "bits" got flipped.

Checked it doesn't change. I think I might just be S.O.L. with this computer.

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