no aircraft in recording

when i use the mod setting 4.09 setting i can make a record of the aircraft I'm fly. All other aircraft in the game get recorded except the one I'm flying.

When i test switching to 4.08 version the recording works.

Also it us to work but ever since i install the SpitfireMkXIVC and installer 3.5 it has not worked.

Certain Mods can affect this, Zuti's Moving Dogfight is one that I have a problem with; If I was in a Moving Dogfight when I recorded it must be enabled to play it back and vice versa, check to see what is enabled in your Mods folder, you can option them out by placing a "-" at the beginning of the file name, it can be quite tedious but that is probably the problem :?

that could be a problem have the moving dogfight map installed.

The MDF mod had problems only with ships. Not with the planes. But from what I know even that was fixed in 0.71 version, if i'm not mistaken.

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