Land mines and sea mines

Is it possible to create these objects and make them actually work? It would be interesting watching a convoy being exterminated by land mines and ships by sea mines. It would give more realism to Normandy invasion and battle of Kursk (for example).

Correct me If I'm wrong but mines are not deployed and maybe stay there for years? Sure is very strange to hit a ship by a mine with the deploying plane flying around. Air Forces uses bombs for this, no?

A convoy running into a minefield inadvertantly might lose a ship or two, but they'd soon realise something was amiss. They might manoever around, slow down, or even stop, but no convopoy commander is going to order full steam ahead through the mines. Neither are the mines going be laid thick enough to destroy every ship in sight.

Maybe it's not necessary a brand new object, just an existant one but made "invisible"
(just like Cameraship, which is an invisible B25)
Of course must be an object exploding when hit...a static Mistel perhaps?

i rember reading about a IL-2 user who would use frendly submerged statonary submareins for this prpous.

When the wimpy is released, i'd like to be able to do some 'gardening' over the north sea, sowing sea mines...

Annoying the annoying, so you don't have to.
[Image: 29p95pf.gif]

If we ever get sea mines, itd be great if we could get one of these ingame.
[Image: AA36902.jpg]

That's a mine layer Junker? what is that circle for? It might be the picture but i think the circle is connect to the plane?

No, it's a mine sweeping Junkers. The big loop is to create a large magnetic field to destroy magnetic sea mines.

I think sea mines would be easy, since any collision will sink a ship in IL-2. Take a floating pilot and give him an invisible mesh. That would be a sea mine as a stationary ship. Couldn't be dropped by player, but could be added by mission builder.

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