Flying Tigers Battle for Rangoon campaign - BurmaLower map

My first post here. Great job and much fun for me. Thanks so much.
I have some questions and as a novice I'm not sure how to solve. Like some of the others not all missions load. For me missions 2, 3, 5, 18 and 22 all get "mission loading:null" during loading static objects. All other missions install and run great from your FlyingTigers over Burma single mission set.

I've looked at the mission files in notepad and all the static objects look pretty much like the same thing. Is it possible I'm missing some mod from the [Target] , [Bridge] or [Hourse] sections at the bottom? I've loaded the bridge mod and it seems to work ok. I've loaded all mods suggested above and still no luck.

Also, I was wondering if anyone has writted any code that would log to errors in loading missions that would help in solving this kind of problem?

Anyway, to All and especially CzechTexan, thanks - great site - and hope to learn much from "You-All"

SdS, Welcome to the club! Glad to help you with you're FIRST post!
The Hangar Mod has "missing objects" from the original download. These missing objects are in the UI1.1.1 Patch download. This is probably what you're missing but I don't know for sure. Maybe you have the Patch already? The only other thing I can think of is that I used the British flag which comes in one of the Flags MODS.

Link to my MEDIAFIRE downloads page: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... f6e8ebb871</a><!-- m -->

SdS just notified me that some of his missions were not working because he doesn't have the Blenheim Mk IV MOD for those missions. Be sure you have this plane. Enjoy!

Link to my MEDIAFIRE downloads page: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... f6e8ebb871</a><!-- m -->

Thanks a bunch!! - works great.

followed path as per instructions but it leads to a config file and there is no EOF am I missing a patch or addon?

chair1, I'm not sure I understand what you're saying.

You should unzip the downloaded file, and then place the folder into your US folder.

If you downloaded the campaign zip then the US folder can be found in this sequence:

If you downloaded the single player missions zip then the US folder can be found in this sequence:

YOU MUST HAVE the cztx_BurmaLower map which I'm assuming you do.
Feel free to ask questions.

Link to my MEDIAFIRE downloads page: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... f6e8ebb871</a><!-- m -->

chair1 Wrote:followed path as per instructions but it leads to a config file and there is no EOF am I missing a patch or addon?

Sorry for not being clear..I guess I think everyone knows what what I'm Talking about....What I should have said is I can't get the MAP to install This Static File mentioned in the install intructions in MAPMOD file isn't there ...Only a config. File

chair1 Wrote:Sorry for not being clear..I guess I think everyone knows what what I'm Talking about....What I should have said is I can't get the MAP to install This Static File mentioned in the install intructions in MAPMOD file isn't there ...Only a config. File

OK, you can't get the map to load?

I'm going to send you a private message to discuss things there.

Everyone please note: You must have the cztx_Burmalower map V1.4 or V1.3+PATCH for this campaign.

Link to my MEDIAFIRE downloads page: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... f6e8ebb871</a><!-- m -->

the mission can't start, it says "can't load 3do humans paratroopers.gmat" etc. Sad

mishapilot, Which version of the map do you have?

The missions will only work with cztx_BurmaLowerV1.3 with PATCH and V1.4

If you have the older v1.3 with NO PATCH then it will not work.

Also, be sure you have the new texture (Fabianfred's village texture)...found on my mediafire page, link below...

Link to my MEDIAFIRE downloads page: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... f6e8ebb871</a><!-- m -->

This will not play past the first mission no matter what I do.. as soon as I attempt to start mission two it just wont load.. got all the required mods installed from the readme, but it won't have it..

Trooper117 Wrote:This will not play past the first mission no matter what I do.. as soon as I attempt to start mission two it just wont load.. got all the required mods installed from the readme, but it won't have it..

If you can get one mission to work then I get the feeling it has something to do with your computer system being overloaded. I used to get that problem when I switched from one large map to another large map. It might be the same for you going from one large battle with many planes to another one.

Have you tried playing the single-player missions, one at a time? Maybe try restarting your computer to play the next mission.

This is just my guess and of course, I could be wrong.

Link to my MEDIAFIRE downloads page: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... f6e8ebb871</a><!-- m -->

I downloaded patch 1.3, where should I unzip it?
\Program Files\IL-2 Sturmovik\mods\mods\maps\Burma ?

Unzip the file to a temporary folder. I usually unzip my zip files to a folder in Myfiles named Downloads or Unzipped.
When you unzip, you will see some files that you will need to manually copy/paste into your cztx_Burmalower map folder that you already have. These new files will replace the old ones.
Here is the directions from the README file that is included with this PATCH download:

Installation Instructions:

1. A new village texture by fabianfred named fsk_country_mount is in the "land" folder. Put "fsk_country_mount" in this sequence: MODS/MAPMODS/MAPS/_TEX/land/summer/...

2. Place the new "load" file into your BurmaLower map folder if you are using the new texture mentioned above. Delete the old load.ini file. Sequence: MODS/MAPMODS/MAPS/cztx_BurmaLower/...

3. Place the new Map_C, map_c.tga_table, map_T, and actors.static into your BurmaLower map folder. Delete the old ones.
Sequence: MODS/MAPMODS/MAPS/cztx_BurmaLower/...

*The new village texture, map_C, and map_c.tga_table were made by fabianfred. This helps the villages look better in the surrounding environment and also adds more river area in the eastern part of the map like the Salween River.
*Map_T changes the textures mainly in the southern region so that the rice paddies and fields are not so repetitive. The fields are broken up by using the "fsk_midland4" texture.
*the new Actors.static file has reworked Thailand airfields with longer runways and a few other minor things on the map.

Misha, let me know if you need any further help.

Link to my MEDIAFIRE downloads page: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... f6e8ebb871</a><!-- m -->

CzechTexan, the same annoying problem: "mesh/3do/humans/Russia/paratroopers mono.sim not created can't load the mission"

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